a royal meeting gone awry & In the dungeons

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"That will be close enough. Welcome to Heliodor castle, friends," A tall knight with long green-gold hair said smirking malevolently although neither Light or Kayla seemed to notice.

"The jewel of Dundrasil," The old king said thoughtfully, "You are bold indeed to have made your way here, wanderers. I am Carnelian, ruler of Heliodor,"

Light stood transfixed by the old king but he looked down at the pendant in his hand and remembered why they were there.

"How long have I waited for this day? And now finally we meet, truly it is an honor. The fact that you come here proffering the jewel and asking to speak with me personally would suggest that you know something of your true nature. I take it that you also bear the mark," king Carnelian said addressing Light who nodded and held up his left hand for the king to see. The king stood up and addressed him again,

"Yes, The Mark of Light. Then there is no doubt. You are... he! Rejoice dear subjects! The day is uppon us at last! The luminary walks among us once more!"

A loud cheer rose up from the surrounding knights and everything seemed perfect. The king waved his and silence fell upon the crowd again.

"Tell me O luminary, Where exactly is it you hail from? I would so very much like to pay tribute to those who took you in and raised you."

Before her brother could have a chance to say anything Kayla spoke for the first time.

"Your Majesty," She said stooping into a bow so that her long red hair fell over her face, "I'm afraid you wouldn't know of our home. For you see, we hail from a small village known as. cobblestone,"

"I see... Cobblestone you say? Jasper, you know of this place?"

The long haired knight who had greeted them earlier glanced at Kayla and smirked again. Light took notice of this but decided not to say anything.

"I do, my liege. A village of provincial nobodies deep in the rock south," The knight now known as Jasper said calmly.

"Then I take it you know what to do. Do not disappoint me."

"Yes, my liege," He said glancing at Kayla once more and walking off.

Suddenly the pink haired knight who they had figured out to be Sir Hendrik stepped out in front of them,

"Accursed Luminary! I know not what your intent was in coming here, but whatever your wicked scheme, know that it shall not succeed,"

Hendrik waved his hand and the remaining guards pointed their spears at the two people in the center. Light quickly turned in a circle but realized that there was no way out.

"W-wait! There must be some sort of mistake! My brother and I aren't evil!" Kayla pleaded

"Hendrik! Take this cur, this harbinger of calamity and his sister and cast them into the furthest corner of the dungeon," King Carnelian said ignoring the girls pleas. "Know this, The luminary is the root of all evil, and will bring naught but misery to our realm. And why is this? Well it's simple! Just as light is intertwined with darkness, so too is the Luminary intertwined with the dread lord of shadows. His coming heralds the resurrection of the dark one,"

"Did you really think you could fool one as wise as his majesty? It was your great misfortune to confront one who knows your true nature. Men, seize these wretches!" Hendrik said drawing his sword and pointing it at Light's throat.

And without any further explanation the guards led Light and Kayla down to the dungeons.

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The brother and sister were led down the dungeon halls. It was dank and musty. Mold grew on some of the stones and water dripped onto their heads from the ceiling. The torches in wrought iron brackets flickered casting eerie shadows on the walls. the guards and Hendrik led them down the halls until they stopped. Hendrik roughly shoved first kayla, then light into and open cell and locked it. Hendrik walked over to the door and glared at them.

"You claim to hail from Cobblestone? Well before the sun has set three times we shall know the truth. By then Jasper will have returned from his... investigation, if not sooner. If I were you, darkspawn, I would not expect to live beyond that day,"

In the cell there was nothing to do. Kayla tried to use a sharp rock to carve messages but it wouldn't work. Light meanwhile decided it would be a good idea to break the pots that were in the cell.

The pots smashed on the ground with a loud crash. Another voice was heard from the cell across from them,

"Will you keep it down in there? Most folks they throw in there have the decency to wait a while before going stir crazy,"

"Well what else can you expect? It's not like they gave us any books to read or puzzles to do,' Kayla said haughtily.

The person ignored her and continued, "What are you in for anyhow? You don't get free bed and board here without having done something really bad,"

Light sighed and explained how he was the luminary.

"Wait, did you say 'The Luminary'? You're serious? You're telling me The Luminary has just shown up in a cell next to mine? This is crazy..." The man said standing up and looking over at their cell before falling silent again.

A guard was coming down the hall with a bowl of soup. he stopped in front of the mans cell, "One plate of delicious gruel for the gentleman in the dungeon suit! come and get it!"

The man walked over to the guard, "Ha" he laughed before punching the guard in the stomach.

The guard slumped over from the force of the punch and the man smiled, proud of his handy work. He then reached through his cell bars and grabbed the key ring off the guard's belt. He dragged the guard into his cell, got up and walked across the hall to Light and Kayla's cell. Light took a few steps back as the door swung open and glanced at the man who had helped them. Light backed up even further as the man entered their cell and swung his sword over his shoulder.

"The Luminary? You're serious?" He asked again.

Light stared at the man and the man stared back at Light. "So it's all happening just like the seer said it would. We'd better get out of here,"

"Wait! Why should we trust you?" Kayla asked. Light put his hand on her shoulder.

"Kayla I think we should trust him," He said. Kayla nodded and the two of them walked over to the man.

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