Wake up & adventure

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They turned and bolted for the edge. They all jumped. And then there was black.

"Wake up lazy bones..." A voice was saying.

"Come on. Up you get," The same voice urged. Light blinked and got up slowly. Kayla took a bit more urging.

"Oh come on. Get up," The voice said again. Kayla blinked and blearily opened her eyes. The voice was revealed to be Erik standing next to her.

"Finally, I was worried we'd lost you there for a minute there. You've been out cold ever since we jumped. Had to drag you all the way here on my own," He said cracking a small smile.

"Well anyways, what a jump it was! I closed my eyes, put my faith in the Luminary and somehow didn't get smashed to pieces! In fact, I woke up on the forest floor at the bottom of the cliff without a scratch on me. It's amazing what a little faith can do," Erik continued.

"Are you sure its faith and not just dumb luck," Kayla said laughing at his glossy eyed expression. Light chuckled,

"Oh stop being such a nihilist," He said rolling his eyes.  

"Anyway, I guess we must be at the top of the King of Heliodors most wanted list by now, which means we can't hang around her too long. Let's go thank the nun who looked after us and be on our way," Erik said. They walked out of the small room where they had been resting and into the church.

"Ah, there you are my children. I trust your friends here are fully recovered?" The old nun asked gently.

"Oh don't worry about them, they're just fine. Thanks for looking out for us- we owe you one," Erik said smiling.

"Not at all dear. I am just happy to see you three well again. But if you are leaving, you must be careful on the road," She said. "It seems some dangerous criminals have escaped from the capitol, and are at large somewhere in the area. Oh I shudder to think what wicked deeds they are capable of..."

The boys and girl shot each other a look.

"Criminals you say? Dear me! That doesn't sound good! And you heard this when you were in Heliodor?"

"I did indeed child," The nun replied, "There were guards everywhere! They are searching high and low for the villains. And I heard that the might knight sir Hendrik himself has headed to the mountains in the south with his troops. They say he means to block the road to cobblestone, the village the fugitives came from," The woman looked down for a moment before looking back at them

"Oh but you must forgive me, poor lambs. I did not mean to alarm you. They will soon be caught, I am sure. Justice will be done. And until then you are free to remain with us for as long as you please,"

"Thanks! We appreciate that," Erik said nodding at the old woman before walking past Kayla and Light over to the corner.

"Um, we're going to get a little fresh air. We have a few things to discuss. Right?" Erik said knowingly.

"Oh uh, right! Yes," Kayla said following him outside. Light walked out a moment later after praying.

"Cobblestone, eh? Never heard of the place. I never even knew anyone actually lived in the mountains down south. Is that really where you're from," Erik asked. Light opened his mouth to speak but Kayla interrupted him.

"Yes. It's a small village but it's very nice," She said looking towards Erik.

"I'm guessing you want to go see what's happening down there, But you need to be smart- you won't get past Hendrik unnoticed. If you're going to make it there without getting caught you'll need to avoid the main road. And if you want to do that, you'll need my help. I know every backroad there is to know in these parts," He laughs. "But I've got things to take care of in Heliodor first. I left a little something in one of my old haunts downtown, and I need to get it back," He continued. Kayla nodded,

"We can help you get it back," She said mostly just wanting to get to know him better.

"That's good. So are you coming along for the ride?" He addresses Light. "I did help you break out of that dungeon," He says.

"I suppose if she's going I should," Light said watching Kayla.

"That's the spirit! But we can't have you bringing us any unwanted attention... Ah! I've got just the thing," Erik said pulling out a hood from his bag and handing it to Light.

"Here, put this on and keep your face hidden, otherwise you'll get nabbed as soon as you set foot in Heliodor," He said. Light put on the olive green hood, made of the same light fabric as Erik's shirt.

"Heh, that's more like it! If you're going to be a wanted man, you might as well look the part. Right, let's head north and hit town," Erik said watching Light. He crossed his arms and smiled.

"Glad you're coming with me. The seer told me to stick with the luminary when I found him, and that's just what I'm gonna do," He said cracking his knuckles.

"Oh stop that," Kayla said.

"Why? What's wrong with doing this," He says cracking his knuckles just to annoy her.

"It's annoying," She said smiling at him.

And with that the three friends set off walking over the path towards downtown Heliodor.

After a while of walking and a few close calls with the guards they made it to their destination.

"Welcome to downtown Heliodor, home to rogues, ruffians and all my other favorite kinds of people," Erik said. Kayla crossed behind him.

"So you mean a thievesShe said holding something up. It took Erik a moment to realize what was missing. She had somehow snatched his dagger without him noticing.

"Wait! How did you do that?" He asked her suspiciously.

"My sister isn't as innocent as she looks," Light commented ruffling her hair lovingly. She batted his hand away playfully.

"Don't touch my hair," She said rolling her eyes, "Catch,"

She tossed Erik his dagger and he caught it.

"This is fun but we have reasons for being here. Let me explain," Erik said laughing.

"Well. We're listening," Kayla said as Erik started to explain what he had left there.

My thief (Dragon quest 11 Erik x Kayla)Where stories live. Discover now