Chased & Chances

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"Right, I've done whaat I came to do. Guess we should head east and check out that door of departure place your grandpa mentioned," Erik said handing Light the red orb.

"Can we get out of here finally? This place is creepy," Kayla said

They made their way out of the kingsbarrow and out into the sunshine. They heard a thump behind them and Erik turned around.

"Armored horses, that's not a good sign,"

"Did you really think you could escape me darkspawn?" The pink haired knight shouted from the rock face.

"It's Hendrik!" Kayla exclaimed

"damn it, they found us," Erik said

The horse whinnied and Hendrik signaled for the knights to follow as he jumped of the rock face speeding towards them

"Well don't just stand there! Come on," They ran back towards the two horses. Erik grabbed kayla by the waist and pulled her up on the horse behind him. The horses took off but Hendrik and his men were close behind. Erik looked over his shoulder.

"Fire!" Hendrik shouted and Kayla pushed Erik's head down just in time to see an arrow wiz over their heads.

the next arrow hit the horses hindquarters sending Light flying. Erik looked back and turned his horse to head back.

"Now seize him" Hendrik shouted and in that moment three things happened. Kayla slid off the horse and started running.

"Save Light," She shouted at Erik who nodded.

"Here, take my hand" He said, and pulled Light onto the horse with him as he turned around to follow Kayla.

"Quickly! the key stone!" Shouted Erik noticing a weird glow up ahead. Light help it up but had to shield his eyes from its glow. A weird shrine looking structure stood up ahead. the doors slowly parted and Kayla who was losing energy stopped.

"You shall not escape me darkspawn!" Hendrik yelled speeding up on his horse. The guards sent another volley of arrows after them. one lodged itself in Kayla's shoulder blade and the other hit the horse sending Light and Erik tumbling.

"Run now!" Erik shouted. Light ran straight for the door with erik only a few steps behind. Lights cloak flew off as He ran inside. The door stared to close and kayla darted in at the last second. A beam of blue light encompassed them.

"whew! we made it! That was too close," Erik said

"Oh definitely" Said light

They stepped out into the sunlight and were in a barren rocky area. It was hot, a little too hot. Despite the heat Kayla pulled on her dark blue cloak and fastened it over her shoulder to hide the arrow shaft.

"So uh.. where exactly are we? I don't recognize this place at all,"

"We should keep walking. I might recognize places a little further ahead," Kayla said.

"That was some crazy stunt you pulled back there," Erik said admiringly. "I mean if it were me, I wouldn't have gotten off the horse,"

"Yeah well... Hold up!" She said putting her arm out which Erik walked right into.

"Hey! what's the big-" She put out a finger to shush him. She carefully grabbed her bow and an arrow. She drew it back wincing slightly and let the arrow fly. Now that it was gone they noticed the treasure the monster had been hiding. The monster was green and it floated holding a drum that had an angry face. It was honestly pretty weird.

Turning to the group Kayla said "Dibs" and ran forward to claim the treasure chest. As she ran forward her cloak slipped revealing the arrow wound she was trying to conceal.

"When did that happen?" Erik asked

"That looks bad" Light added unhelpfully

"It's nothing," Kayla said quickly

"That seems to be something,"

"Sis, hiding this was reckless even for you,"

"It was Hendrik wasn't it? I'm gonna kill that damn knight," Erik said clenching his fists.

"On the bright side I know where we are now. There's a village behind that fence!" Kayla said

"Maybe there's someone there who can help," Light suggested.

"Right, Let's go,"

"I said it's not that bad," Kayla said putting the flaxen thread from the treasure chest into her bag.

"Kayla, now is not the time to be a hero. Soon as we get there we are getting someone to look at that," Erik said

"Fine, Lets just get there already," She sighed 

The town was familiar to Kayla although it was not her favorite place in Erdrea. She filled her friends in on the lore of the volcano and the town,

"The town is famous for its saunas, heated by the volcano. some people say there's a dragon in the volcano but I wouldn't know," She was saying when they finally reached the village gate.

"Civilization at last. I think it's safe to say we're not being followed any more. At least for now,"

A man in an orange shirt noticed them and said "Three travelers come, their timing auspicious, as the new day's dawn,"

"I forgot to mention they talk in haiku form,"

The man in the orange shirt ignored her and continued, "My bathhouse awaits! Savor it's steamy embrace, as frogs do spring rain. Rejoice honored guests, for to mark this happy day, you may sweat for free,"

Erik's face wrinkled in confusion, "Um... we're kind of busy to be... sweating, thanks. We appreciate the offer though,"

Light nodded, "Yeah... maybe another time,"

The man looked at them in surprise, "Too busy to bathe? Too busy to wash away the scent of the road?"

Erik looked at his travel companions and quickly sniffed the sleeve of his shirt. He recoiled. The man who greeted them smiled slightly.

Erik glanced at Light before speaking, "Okay, maybe I'm not at my freshest... Fine! We'll visit your bathhouse, if it means that much to you,"

"Yeah, we not have another chance to freshen up for a while," Kayla reminded them.

The man smiled at all of them. "The winds have brought guests! Joyfully I shall guide them to where bliss awaits,"

The man started walking away, towards a set of stone steps that led up the mountain.

Light shrugged at Kayla then started walking. Erik followed him. Kayla lingered a moment longer then started to walk towards the steps.

A/N this is the last fully written chapter for now. The next update should be this week but I need to write it first

My thief (Dragon quest 11 Erik x Kayla)Where stories live. Discover now