Escape & Trust issues

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"Wait here," The man said as they heard another guard approaching. He quickly pulled out his sword running out of the cell and knocking the man out with one blow.

"Don't worry, I didn't kill him. But he won't be waking up anytime soon," He said

"Things could get pretty hairy up ahead. You better take this," The man said handing Light a sword. "Oh and I found this over in a corner. I'm guessing this is your stuff,'

Kayla took the bag from him and glared at him. "Yes, thank you," She said walking a few feet away from him and searching her bag to make sure everything was there.

"What's her problem?" He asked leaning over to Light.

"Doesn't really trust people," He said shrugging.

"Anyways, me I got this little beauty back. So I'm pretty much unstoppable. We better get moving before any more of our tin headed friends come knocking. Holler when you're ready to move out, okay?" He said. They nodded and got ready to go. Once Kayla was satisfied that nothing had been stolen she grabbed her dagger and nodded.

"Okay I think we're ready," She said. The man grabbed a torch off the wall and motioned for them to follow him.

They followed him back into his cell and watched closely as he bent down by the rug of bamboo sticks. He lifted it up to reveal a long deep hole dug into the ground.

"I spend ages digging this hole and you just happen to show up the day I finish it. Heck of a coincidence. Guess I really was meant to help you out after all, just like the seer said" he said to himself.

"Anyway, there'll be time to talk about that later. In you go!" He said before almost shoving Light down the hole. Kayla jumped down after him and they came out behind a loose rock in the wall. The man looked around,

"The sewers huh? There must be a way out of here somewhere. Lead the way- I got your back." He said to Light who nodded and started walking. Kayla ran to catch up with him.

"Are you sure we can trust this guy?" She asked as they walked down the sewers.

"Well he knows I'm the luminary and hasn't tried to kill me so I'd say yes, we can trust him," Light said continuing to walk down the sewers.

The three of them continued walking when they heard footsteps behind them.

"There they are! You lot- over here!" It was a guard who had spotted them.

"Dammit! We better make ourselves scarce," The man said before they all turned and started running the other way as more guards appeared.

They kept running faster down the hall before stopping. Guards were pouring in from every direction. Light looked around but there was no way out.

"These guys don't give up do they?" The man said.

The three of them walked backwards onto the bridge. A few stones give out under the bridge and fall into the sewer water with a splash.

"Seriously?!" The man said looking down.

The bridge finally gave way and everyone fell into the sewer water.

"Ugh," The man groaned getting up. He ran over and shook Light who groaned and got up as well. Kayla got up a moment later.

"Well that was quite a fall," She said.

"You both okay? Looks like we shook the guards at least," He said looking at both of them. They nodded and got to their feet.

"Hey! That looks like a way out. Maybe our lucks about to change," He said. The group started walking through the cave but stopped when they heard something move.

"Wait. There's something there," The man said putting his arm out to stop Light from walking any further.

There was a sound almost like scraping against the stones. And sure enough a giant blue black dragon raised up his head. The dragon stared down at the its tail swishing back and forth on the ground. It spread its wings and turned to them letting out an ear-splitting roar that seemed to make the cave shake. It beat its tail down smashing the rocks it landed on as it stood up. Rocks started cascading down on them from the ceiling. Light, Kayla, and the man whose name they did not know yet started running, dodging rocks as they went.

"If we stand and fight, we're dead! Let's get the heck out of here!" The man said getting to his feet and running.

"Yeah, thanks for stating the obvious," Kayla said as she and Light started running to catch up with the man. They ran and ran until they came to a small offshoot. They quickly dodged inside and stayed close to the walls so that the dragon wouldn't see them.

"Has it gone?" The man asked.

"I think so," Light said in a low whisper.

"Phew! That was way too close for comfort. What was that thing doing under the castle, anyway? Well, whatever. We should get going," He said, and they started walking again. The had barely gotten ten steps when a low rumble was heard.

"Uh-oh," The dragon prepared to unleash a breath of fire. It lifted its head back and let out a blast of flames into the offshoot where they were standing. They turned and began running again.

"RUUUUUUUUUN" The man shouted although they already were, so it kind of lost its effect. The three of them turned a corner just as the dragons flames caught up to them.

"W-We made it...just. I don't know how much more of this I can take," He said.

"Yeah. Me neither," Light said. Kayla just nodded. They all got up but the mans gasp alerted them to the presence of the other problem. A group of knights looked over and spotted them.

"There he is! The Darkspawn!" One of them shouted.

"Ach, Me and my big mouth. Move- now," The man shouted. They ran across the debris and up the steep hill towards the light.

"Looks like our luck's finally run out," He said for as they entered the light they came to a halt. They were at a dead end. Facing them was a cliff and a drop of at least 150 feet.

"There they are! We've got them now," The guard said as they group approached them.

"Hm. No way back huh?" The man said as they turned around to face the guards. "If they catch us we're dead meat,"

"Hold," The lead guard said. The group of guards ran up and onto the cliff. Simultaneously they all drew their swords.

"Let's do this. I believe in you. I believe in the luminary. I don't have much of a choice." He said.

"Wait! You can't be saying what I think you're saying," Kayla exclaimed incredulously. But Light just nodded so Kayla decided to follow her brother. They turned and prepared to jump but,

"Come on-Lets not do anything stupid now," The guard said but the group ignored him.

The man slowly drew back his hood. For the first time Light and Kayla could see what their mysterious rescuer looked like. Now that they were in the light they could see that he had pale blue hair styled into spikes. He had large, kind eyes of a slightly darker grayish blue hue and he wore golden hoop earrings. He was dressed in an olive green hooded shirt and pink sash with lacing on the front that showed some of his toned chest. He also wore brown leather fingerless gloves and a blue beaded necklace. He had Teal leggings and knee high leather boots. Kayla blushed slightly and looked away. She hadn't even known the man for more than two hours but she was definitely already crushing on him.

"The name's Erik, by the way,"

My thief (Dragon quest 11 Erik x Kayla)Where stories live. Discover now