Discovery & departure

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Erik offered Kayla his and and she took it. They got up and walked over to Light who was staring at the tree again

"I can't believe they'd do this, and just because you grew up here? What kind of animals are they?" Erik growled. "Jasper and his goons must have ridden straight here after you two got thrown in the dungeons and torched the place,"

"Yeah, makes sense," Kayla said. Erik turned back to Light,

"Hey just now when you zoned out, the mark on your hand was glowing, and so was the root wrapped around that tree, was it another one of those visions?" He asked

"Yeah, it was, but not like the other one. It was like I was really there and people were talking to me,"

"Wow. so you... went back in time and spoke with your grandad and... yourself? That is seriously weird,"

"It was," Light said quietly, still thinking about what he had seen.

"Wish I was the luminary... Then I could have seen grandad too," Kayla sighed

"It must've been the root here. It must have the power to show you the past. Well if what your grandad told you was right then we better head over to cobblestone falls. Where did you say it was? East of the village?"

Erik started walking away towards the east entrance but stopped. Light seemed frozen in place. Kayla had sat down with her back to tree. Both siblings stared on sadly at the ruin that was once their home. Erik retraced his steps and put a had on Kayla's shoulder.

"Listen, I know this can't be easy, but... hanging around here isn't going to do anybody any good. Come on,"

He reached out his other hand which she took. He pulled her to her feet steadying her when she stumbled a little almost tripping over her own foot and turned back to Light, who took a deep breath then followed them out of the village. They walked for what seemed like an eternity. The dappled gold sunlight had faded into an inky black sky by the time they reached the three sided rock. the whole time Erik never once let go of Kayla's hand. She leaned against the large rock and erik crossed his arms watching light did through the ground. He pulled up a small wooded box and they leaned in to see what was inside.

"Letters huh? The top one's seen better days for sure"

Light opened up the top one and began to read.

"My dearest darling baby boy, When finally you come to read this I will most certainly be long dead. You see, not long after you were born our beloved kingdom of Dundrasil was attacked by an army of monsters. I was forced to flee with you and your sister in my arms and expended the last of my strength ensuring that you escaped to safety. If you are fortunate enough to be found by some kindly soul, you must seek out the king of Heliodor when you come of age. Our kingdom and his have always enjoyed close relations and your father and I would trust him with our lives. Never forget my son, you are a prince of the kingdom of Dundrasil. But more than that... you're the luminary. yours is a weighty burden indeed. It is you who will have to battle the darkness and rid it from this world. In time you will come to understand. It breaks my heart to leave you my darling but it is the only way. I hope one day you will learn to forgive me..."

"It's from someone important to you right? Your mother or something? She really did love you," Erik said

"Oh yes!" Kayla scoffed. "Everyone looooves Light! The heir to the throne, the luminary, the chosen one! Of course he gets a letter from our parents. And as always I get nothing! God I wish Sylvando was here, he'd know what to say," Kayla said hopping onto a rock and crossing the pond and running off up the hill and sitting next to the small waterfall.

"I should go after her," Erik said moving to follow but Light grabbed his wrist.

"Give her a few minutes, she'll calm down,"

"Okay, well what does the other letter say?"

"To My dearest grandson," Light read "It's from chalky, I haven't the foggiest how you've managed it but I met your future self today. As promised I've buried some things here that will help you on your way. Have you read your mother's letter yet? It was in the basket when I first found you. It was because of that letter that I asked my amber to send you to see the king when the time came. I only wish I'd known how things would turn out. I don't know why Dundrasil was attacked or why king carnelian thinks so badly of you. I'm just an ignorant old man from a village in the country. But I do know that the answers are somewhere. The keystone in this box should open the door of departure off to the east. You must go out into the world and seek the truth. Remember now, don't waste your time holding grudges. Live life with love in your heart. All the best now and forever, grandad,"

"So that's that then? Here's a shiny rock now go adventure?" Kayla said. At some point while he was reading she had come back down. Erik put a hand on Lights shoulder. Lght looked up startled.

"So we use the keystone to open the door of departure and head out into the world huh? sounds easy enough. you better believe i'm coming with you. You said it was just east of here right? Well what are we waiting for?" Erik said.

"So are we just gonna forget about..."

"Oh I know what we're waiting for. The orb!"

"Knew he'd get there eventually,"

"The kingsbarrow's not too far from here. Let's go claim what's rightfully mine"

"You mean what's not yours right?"

"I'm stealing what was stolen so it doesn't matter,"

My thief (Dragon quest 11 Erik x Kayla)Where stories live. Discover now