Downtown & Derk

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"About a year ago, me and Derk, my partner in crime, managed to ahh... acquire one of the royal family's most precious possessions-The Red Orb. They got wise and pulled me in eventually, but not before we'd stashed it somewhere safe so we could pick it up later," Erik started to explain putting his hands on his hips.

"Well? Are you going to tell us where you stashed it," Kayla asked making finger quotes on the word stashed. Erik rolled his eyes,

"I was about to... but if you keep acting that way-you won't find out." He said playfully.

"Oh just tell me already," She pleaded jokingly.

"Right down there is the biggest stinkingest garbage pile in all of Heliodor. Me and Derk buried the orb slap-bang in the middle of it. After all, no one would ever think of looking for it there. We're criminal geniuses I tell you," He said pointing to the garbage dump.

"Ewww! You're telling me you and this Derk fellow buried a royal treasure in a garbage pile?!" She exclaimed. Light just looked at Erik,

"Come on. Where are we supposed to go first," He asked. Erik smiled,

"Time to go liberate that loot! To the garbage pile!" He shouted.

They walked in the direction of the garbage pile talking as they walked.

"You know I'm actually the older sibling," Kayla said to Erik.

"No! Really?" He said, "How old are you?"

"You know that's a very rude question but if you must know I'm 18," She said.

"But I've only know her for 14 years," Light said.

"Wait, wouldn't you have known her for 16 years if you're 16?" Erik asked.

"I actually only came back to cobblestone a few months ago. I was traveling the world for two years and eventually I moved to Gondolia and I made one of my only friends. He works at a circus and I heard he'll be moving to Gallopolis soon," She said beaming.

"One of you're only friends?" He asked skeptically.

"Yes. I'm a very closed off person but he got me out a some trouble and I had to thank him and we just kind of clicked," She continued.

"Huh, good to know," Light said.

"Light... You're planing something. I know you are," She said but Erik interrupted them,

"This is the spot. Keep a look out, okay? I'm going to grab the loot... Now it was around here somewhere. It's definitely here... I'm 1000% sure... Uh... It's not here,"

"What! You lost it!" Kayla exclaimed.

"You've got to be kidding me! Me and Derk were the only one's who knew where it was!" He said ignoring her.

"Wait a minute," He said.

"What? You put it in a different garbage pile?" She asked laughing.

"Are you joking? Because if so that joke was trash," Light said. Kayla glared at him,

"Stop trash talking me. I might have to recycle some of my old puns," She said smirking.

"Oh stop it you two!" Erik exclaimed.

"I get this is important but don't take it out on me," Light said and Kayla gave him a high five.

"Derk must have done the dirty on me and taken it for himself. Dammit I should have know! That thieving little-! Wait until I get my hands on him" Erik said.

"Well then let's go find him," Kayla said stifling her continuous laughter.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Time skip because I don't want to do the Ruby cutscenes and I want to get to the intro of Derk quickly~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

My thief (Dragon quest 11 Erik x Kayla)Where stories live. Discover now