Chapter 1

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All of my life I've been trapped.

And all of my life I've wanted to be free.

When I was eight I watched all the American soldiers fight and die for their freedom. They would wave their flag, my flag. Our flag, and die valiantly. I wanted more than anything to be out there fighting with them.

When I was twelve, I was still trapped inside my own home in my own room, watching the soldiers fight and risk their lives, just to be free. Wishing I had as much heart as them to stand up to my father, like they stand up to the king.

Then came seventeen, still trapped. Still watching. still hoping that someday, I'll be free.

. . .

"Cassiopeia? Cassiopeia are you there?!" My Mom's voice cuts through my thoughts.

"Cassiopeia?" I hate that name. "Cassiopeia!"

"I'm in my room! Father locked the door while he's out!"

"Again," I muttered under my breath.

"Oh. Well, I'm coming up," she replied, "and I have the key."

I just sat there in shock. I can't remember the last time I had been let out of my room without my father. The answer was probably never, he was always there to tell me what to do, tell me how to act around others, to tell me how not to screw up his reputation, you get the idea.

"Cassiopeia!" she then whispered, "Come over here. I'm getting you out! As soon as you get out, run as fast as you can to the Schuylers' house. You'll be safe there, I've already worked it all out with Mr. Schuyler.

"Now come on! Get on some good clothing and get on running, your father will be home soon!"

So I pulled on some old running-ish clothes, and I'm out of the house in no time.

I was running.

There was a gunshot.

My mom was on the ground.

Shot in the hip.

I was running,




Until I was alone.

The Schuyler house was in front of me.

My mom is gone.  

Wow! I've realized that I should take advantage of the fact that I am imprisoned inside my house to write some more. I wish you all lots of luck to overcome this coronavirus. 

Love Y'all!


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