Chapter 3

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"Come on! Catch me if you can!" I shouted behind me.

"Oof!" I had crashed into something, or rather someone.

"Hey, watch yourself. You don't want to go running into everyone now do we," He had this awful smirk upon his face, and his bright blue eyes glimmering with hidden laughter.

"Well you know, maybe a crash could mean something. You might just be who I need to talk to," I smirked right back at him.

"You wanna drink?" I quickly covered my shocked expression with a smile.

"Just like that?"

"Just like that." Awww, now he's smiling too. Wait! Is that a blush?! "This is Angelica, by the way,"

"My name's John. John Williams," He has a cute name to match his cute face. Wait what? Bad thoughts Cassie, bad thoughts. But he wasn't done yet, "Y'know, I really love my America, if you catch my drift," And with a cute wink, I understood.

Wait, he's not cute! That wasn't a cute wink! He doesn't have a cute face, or an amazing personality, or a-

Cassie, stop rambling.

Hold up, he's on my side. The free side. The winning side.

"Anywho, I'm not paying. I only got so much from the escape," I said as soon as we got to the bar, "And I don't think Johnny here got a penny, so Angel?"

"Don't call me 'Johnny,'" he made air quotes with his hands.

"Okay, Johnny," he was so ticked off, that if this was a cartoon there would have been steam coming out of his ears.

"Anywho, we want to fight. Can you hook us up with someone who agrees with us? And how do we get what we need to fight?" Angelica tried. At this point, I was just about done with speaking in code.






"Pretty pleeease? With a cherry on top?"


"Wait really?" I'm going to get to fight!

"Yeah, yeah, sure, fine. Just keep your act together, y'all still gotta meet Washington," He acted like meeting him was the worst thing to ever occur, but I wasn't buying it. George Washington doesn't scare me.

Nothing does.

Cause now I'm free.  

Woooo! Another chapter done! read my other book too! Please comment, vote!

Love y'all


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