Chapter 2

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"Cassie! Cassie! Are you alright?" I hear my best friend call, "Cassie!"

"Angel-ly? I don't...know say that..." I cleared my throat, "I've missed you Angelica!"

That was almost a squeal.

"Eeek! It's so good to see you! Terrible circumstances, of course, but I still love seeing you. C'mon," and with that, she ushered me inside.

"Y'know I am really thankful for you letting me stay here. Thank you so much! But I want to be out there! Fighting for our country! I can't stay cooped up here, I'm sorry," I replied. Angelica wasn't thrilled with my announcement.


"You could come with me! We would have an amazing time fighting for what we believe in." I tried convincing.

"Alright! Fine. Fine. I'll go with you to participate in the war. Only because I don't wanna see those puppy eyes again. Why do you want to fight in a war anyway?"

"I've never got to do anything that I want to do, it's always what my father wanted me to do. And now that I have the chance, I want to fight for what I believe in," I replied truthfully, "And on a happier note, let's go to the square, I bet we can find some soldiers there, but I know you're looking for some boys." I don't think winking was the best idea.

Walking to the square, with a sore shoulder, I suddenly said, "Race you there!" And bolted off in a heavy sprint.

I could run as far as I wanted.

I was free.

Second chapter is up! Please remember to vote, comment. And most importantly, remember that I love every single one of y'all!

Love y'all sooooo much, 


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