Chapter 4

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The meeting with Washington was a dud. He didn't want me to join, I threatened him dead, I yelled about equal rights, he reluctantly agreed to let me fight. Like I said, he doesn't scare me. 

"Why did you have to yell at George Washington! Of all people to disrespect, you choose him! You know how long it took me to get on his good side? Months!" Wow. To say I wasn't expecting that would be an understatement.

"I'm sorry," I replied sheepishly. "I didn't mean to break up your bromance."

I wasn't helping his mood.

"Just follow me,"

. . . John takes us to this old abandoned warehouse on the outskirts of town. But I knew better than to think it was abandoned. This was where they stored all their unused weapons and other equipment.

"Why are you trusting me with this information so easily, I've heard there's a death penalty for Americans if you get caught," he broke the silence.

"Why are you trusting me so easily?" I shot back, "You haven't asked anything about me, I only introduced Angel here. You have no idea who I am. I could be the daughter of a British Officer for all you know, spying on y'all's side," At my smirk, he visibly paled.

"But you're not right?" He looked worried so I told him the truth.

"Of course not! Well partly. I'm the daughter of Adam Lovecharm. Well known British Officer, friends with King George Ⅲ. My mother is Helen Lovecharm, American born, wants to be free. I agree with my mother. My father's a total jerk, he wouldn't let me do anything," John was still skeptical, now he knew about my father. "This is Angelica Schuyler, daughter of Philip Schuyler and Catherine Van Rensselaer Schuyler, but you knew her name from the start,"

He then asked the question I had been dreading, "So, what is your name," I despise my name. It's the one thing that ties me down to my father. Cassiopeia. I hate it.

"Cassiopeia Lovecharm, but you call me that and I will not hesitate to murder you. So Cassie Lovecharm, mildly enjoying your assistance. You?"

"I'm John Williams, somehow at your assistance," he replied with a cheeky grin.

"Alright! Quit flirting and give us the weapons!" Angelica interrupted.

As if on cue, we both turned beet red while Angel turns around and started looking through the various boxes.

"I found the guns!" she cried out. "There all here in this box! How many are there here? At least fifty!"

"This is our largest warehouse, we normally have about thirty to forty guns in each warehouse along with other equipment we may need; canons, ammunition, swords, flags, excera, excera," He started listing a bunch of different types of weapons so I tuned out his words and started looking at all the stuff in here.

"Why hasn't the British realized that there is stuff in here? I mean it's a giant warehouse, full of ammunition. It's so obvious that you store everything here. There's a freaking American Flag on the outside of the door! Tell me how you haven't been caught yet!" I said indignantly. But really, it's so obvious.

"What do you mean? This is the least obvious place on Earth! No way would they expect our hide-out to have an American flag on the front, they think it's a decoy,"

You could tell he was lying from a mile away, "Who am I kidding, this place wasn't my idea. Washington thought it was the best place. I tried to tell him it was very obvious but he wouldn't listen. Hamilton and the rest of the gang are better, they at least try to help me try to cover this place up. We can't figure out how to take the flag down while still honoring it, it can't touch the ground,"

"Tough luck," I replied, the sarcasm seeping through my voice.

"Get down! Someone's coming!" Angel yelled. Super loudly I might add.

"Angel, now they know we're here!" I have to say, I'm great at whisper yells.

"Cassie! Shush!" John interrupts.

All of a sudden, the door opened and four men came in. That shut us all up.

We knew they knew that we were here.

But that didn't matter anymore, I was free

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⏰ Last updated: May 31, 2020 ⏰

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