Chapter 2 and so it begins...

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Your POV
I woke up the next morning to the morning announcements. I tuned it out getting out of bad walking over to my dresser grabbing a f/c crop topped hoodie and ripped jeans, before brushing my hair and teeth. Then quickly slipped into my runners before booting out the door towards the restaurant. Yesterday I had become very close with Nagito I think he was my first friend in the island actually.

As I walked into the restaurant I saw the oh so familiar cloud head sitting alone, not noticing my arrival. Taking this opportunity I sneaked up behind him then........"BOOO!!" I screamed as loud as possible in his ear before wrapping my arms around his neck in a hug, which looked more like a choke hold to everyone else.
                      " ahhh!! Y/N you scared me" he pouted cutely.
                       " sorry I just couldn't miss the opportunity " I smiled nervously at my new friend before taking a seat next to him.
Nagito and I where about to head to the beach till Byakuya announced that we would have a party that night till sun rise.
I could hear protests and cheers of joy across the restaurant.
After a while it was decided it would occur in the old building. Nagito seemed a little to happy about that fact......
When trying to decide who would clean, Nagito jumped forward and explained the straws in his hand. It felt weird 'how was he ready for this....... did he plan this to happen!' After those thoughts crossed my mind I tried to shack them away 'Nagito wouldn't hurt anyone.....Right?'
Well I didn't care if he did I just didn't wanna lose him. I was actually planning on maybe killing someone just for fun. But I don't wanna risk it so I'll stay clean....... for now.
Since Nagito was cleaning the old building I decided to hang out with Soda for most of the day, and spent the rest of it in my room doodling.
' damn I hope Nagito never sees this......' I thought to myself as I look at the high detail drawing of Nagito right in front of me. I looked at the time as I closed my new sketch book, before rushing out the door towards the old building.
I'm extroverted but surprisingly I don't really like party's. The only reason I went is cause Nagito was there. I don't know why I feel this way about him especially since I just met him. I just feel this connection to him I never wanna lose.
As I walked in to the old building Byakuya was there waiting for me.
                             " Put your arms up I need to do a body check." He ordered me in a monotone voice. ' the hell!?' I thought to myself looking at him like he's crazy.                   " Now please." He continued, I slowly raised my arms up.
As he began the pat down it felt more like sexual Harassment. When he put his hands in my back pocket to find my small survival knife
                              " why do you have a KNIFE!" He hollered probably warning everyone in the building of what I had.
                              " are you blind it's a survivalist knife, I keep it in me 24/7 for self defence." I was starting to get mad. First he sexually harassed me then you screams at for having an item of self DEFENCE! He then shoved my knife in His metal case, before he could continue the pay down I walked away towards the main hall.

The rest of the night was pretty fun. I danced to the music in my head as people would watch me in aw, at how much confidence I had not my dancing........ My dancing is crap. Nagito joined me sometimes it was really fun for a party actually..... Till the power went off. It was exiting knowing anyone could kill you now the lights where off.
There where screams the echoes in the room. Till I obviously heard Nagito's voice...... he was in pain. My blood started to boil. ' WHO HURT NAGITO!' I screamed in my head walking around frantically to find my cloud haired best friend.
Then the lights came on. I saw him standing looking a little stressed. I was just relived he was alive.
After we all got reorientated to the light we all noticed Byakuya was no where in sight. We began our search just for it to end in the most unpleasant way possible. To find him dead under a table..........

This is the fasted I've every released two chapters I'm really proud of myself I think I'm gonna try my hardest to publish every day since I'm bored all the time cause my school and everything else I do is cancelled. Welp hope you enjoyed this chapter bye~

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