Chapter 4 WHAT?!?!

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Your POV
As my eyes fluttered open, I could see the sun high in the skies. " I guess it's the afternoon huh." I groaned to myself whilst attempting to sit up. I failed a couple times before I was able to get up.
I decided not to leave my cottage unless for food seeing how I looked like a mess.
So I sat at my desk wasting the day away draw to many pictures of Nagito to count.
I skipped lunch seeing I wasn't all that hungry.
But once dinner came and no one was at the restaurant I started to get a little confused. I shrugged off the thought and just ate my food in the silent restaurant.

( time skip brought to you by Nagito with sea weed hair)

I woke up the next morning to the same sound as always. I rolled myself lazily out of bed. Then began my daily routine. Once I was prepared and looking decent I left my cottage and headed my way to the restaurant. I I walked into the restaurant a little late what I heard Nekomaru yell made me tense up.
               "Of course! In fact, that so- called traitor is tied up at the moment and can't move at all!"
'Who does he think the traitor is?' I thought to myself 'maybe he thinks it's- NO there's no way they tied up Nagito, right?!' Then I heard Sonia and how she was thinking the same thing as me.
Once my fears where confirmed all I wanted to do was run away and look everywhere for him. But there where to many possibilities and I new that. So I had to stick around listening till they tell me his location. Bitting my tongue to not scream at them out of anger.
I listened to them for a little, almost falling of the cliff into the anger boiling up inside me. But I held it in till I heard it
              " I in the o old building dining h hall"
The second I heard that I stood up making my presence known to everyone in the room.
              " FUCKING FINALLY TOOK YOU LONG ENOUGH!!!" I screamed out in anger before rushing out of the restaurant towards the old building leaving behind shocked and terrified faces.
As I ran towards the old building tears began to stream down my face at the thought of what they had done to him. I could hear Soda running after me screaming at me to stop but my legs continued to carry me inside the old building. I quickly ran inside the dinning hall and barricaded the door with a table.
                " o oh (y/n) you came to see me." At the familiar voice I turned to try and find its source only to see Nagito ties up on the floor. I couldn't control myself and at the sight even more tears made there way down my face as I ran towards my newly found best friend.
                 " how c could they do o this t to you" I said between sobs.
                  " it doesn't matter to me if this gives them hope that no one else will die I'll gladly stay here."
He told me calmly as I made my way towards him sitting right next to him. " d don't say t that I've been a m mess without y you." I cried even more not being able to take control of the flood gates in my eyes for even a second. Nagito has a look of concern on his face now in replacement of his usual up beat happy smile. " I I don't understand why d do you care about trash like me when your a an ultimate."
            " it doesn't matter my talent or yours all that matters is your my friend and what they have done to you is unforgivable." Just as I finished my sentence the door busted open ' I guess I just couldn't hear them huh, weird'
                  " ( y/ n) please step away from the traitor we don't want him to hurt you."
As they said that my eyes widened, then I got an idea. I moved slightly making them think I was complying. Only to put Nagito's head on my lap and start playing with his hair. Before speaking " no" I told them off in a lazy tone. Nagito widened his eyes for a second before closing them and moving into my touch.
                   " what the hell?!" I heard my confused friends scream out.

Ok I think I did good on this chapter and I'm really sorry this one is late I had a lot going on even tho school is canceled but I hope y'all enjoyed this chapter and I'll hopefully have the next part out by tomorrow

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