Chapter I

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Sinister Kid - The Black Keys

Detective Elizabeth Mason

A mass murder was reported in the woods outside the city of Los Santos. I took the opportunity and decided to investigate it. I never thought the whole case would turn into some across-the-world type stuff.

"Detective, we found the homeowner. She is no longer living in Los Santos, though," my partner, Dart, said. He placed a glossy photo of her on my wooden office desk. She had a red fringe and an interesting choice of fashion.

"What's her name?" I asked, chowing down on my bagel. "Betty Philips. We aren't sure where she has gone now, but..." Dart stared at the photo. "She may be a suspect."

"So, let's say she is the murderer. This woman killed an FIB agent and blew up a heavy metal truck? Come on, Dart, she looks over the age of sixty," I cheerfully joked. "So? A woman can be all sorts of crazy no matter what her age is," Dart seriously stated.

"You're right, I just... I don't know. There was obviously a female there. The heels... Has Jason gotten them tested yet for any sort of DNA... fingerprints?"

"We found fingerprints, but it doesn't match anyone in the database. That's odd. It must be someone from out of town I assume," Jason entwined. I set my almost-eaten bagel down and cleared my throat.

"We need to find that lady. Let's look her up," I suggested. I clicked my mouse on my computer to start it up again. The browser came up immediately. I typed away, my fingers clicking the letters to Betty's name delicately.

Many different people came up, but one specific link caught my eye.

Mrs. Betty Philips' Barbershop. I had to check it out. Right when I came onto the website, her face was there. There was a photo of her trimming a man's hair.

"Racially inclusive, it says," I pointed out. Dart and I laughed. Besides that, we scrolled to the bottom of the page.

"Located in North Yankton," I smiled. "North Yankton, that's out of town!" Jason squealed. Dart patted my shoulder and stole my bagel from my desk.

"Hey!" I called out. He took it down in one bite. "Looks like we've got a plane to catch," he mumbled with my bagel stuffed in his mouth. I rolled my eyes. He was always so humorous in the wrong moments.

"Looks like we've got a suspect..." Jason lingered. Jason was an old soul. He had dark, black hair that was gelled back and he wore the nerdiest of shirts. He was always the one to cheer you up in difficult times.

"Man, you two have got some chemistry. It's like to die for," he laughed, holding some documents. "Yeah, he's a likable guy," I agreed. He patted my stomach with the papers.

"Well, go catch that monstrous murderer, Mason."

"Come on!" Dart yelled from the lobby of people. I grabbed my black trench coat from my chair and stepped out of the department.

My leather boots stomped as I took each step on the hard cement ground, making my way to my blacked-out car. Dart was already at the passenger side waiting for me.

"Couldn't wait for me?" I smiled, unlocking the vehicle, and stepping inside. "Nah, I'm excited about this case! All of the recent cases have been so boring, I need a little excitement in my life," Dart explained, also getting in my car.

"Well, it's your lucky day, ain't it?" I buckled myself in. The engine came to life and from there we began our journey to North Yankton.

The airport was jam-packed and we were lucky enough to get on the flight before anything closed off. Dart and I sat next to each other on the plane. There were lots of people on it, annoying babies, angsty teens giving us bad looks, and just your regular Los Santos traveler.

all reason aside, i just can't deny, i love the guy | trevor philipsWhere stories live. Discover now