The End-Thank You

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Hello reader. I want to say thank you for reading this series. It is almost a year old! It's been a long journey of writer's block, frustration, and even sadness but it was all worth it. I say sadness because I don't want this to end. I want to continue writing but at some point all things must end. I think my ending was appropriate. I was very indecisive about how I wanted it to end but I'm happy with the way it is. If you have any questions regarding MIILWAC, future books, or you just want to get to know me then please leave a comment on this post!

I would also like to mention that MIILWAC3 will be under editing so stay tuned!

Many new books are soon to come. Thank you for everything.


all reason aside, i just can't deny, i love the guy | trevor philipsWhere stories live. Discover now