Chapter III

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[Before you read this chapter, please note that I am not familiar with the French language. I only know greeting words. I am using google translate so I am very sorry if any of my words are incorrect! Feel free to correct me in the comments]

Ain't No Rest for the Wicked - Cage the Elephant

Bella... or Alison

Alison was an interesting soul. A deep connected one. It really did feel like I was walking in someone else's shoes. My legs swung forward more swiftly when I walked, my arms swayed with my torso in the smoothest way possible.

A lot has changed about me. Mentally and physically. First off, I got bangs and much, much longer hair. Now I can actually put it in a ponytail again. My bangs hovered just above my eyebrows. I've also invested more time in doing my makeup. Los Santos me was pretty bland. I didn't put one atom of makeup on my skin, but now I'm fully done. Eyeshadow, eyeliner, mascara, false lashes, foundation, concealer, I mean everything. Contour, blush. My choice of clothing has also changed. I'm no longer into denim, it's leather now. Leather pants, leather jacket, leather boots.

It was midday in Paris, France. I trudged down an open alleyway full of food stands and markets. There was even a clothing stand. I didn't spend any time looking at it, though.

I felt like a badass walking down the way. It was like everyone's eyes were on me. I pictured me walking in slo-mo with classic alternative music playing in the back.

My visions came back to reality when I ran into a hotdog stand crossing the way. I yelped in surprise and almost tumbled back. The man looked at me and yelled in French.

"Hey! Regardez où vous allez!" He shouted, catching the stand in his arms. My arms shot up in defense.

"My apologies! I didn't mean to"—I was cut off by someone suddenly coming by my side—"Excusez-moi, elle ne voulait pas renverser votre stand." It was Trevor!

Trevor has changed quite a bit, too. It's a good thing he knows French. I wouldn't be able to get around many places. Anyway, Trevor—or Paul—is a completely different person. He now wears a wig that has a full head of hair, it's short and curly. He also grew up a mustache. He looks much younger now. He also changed his style just like me. He now wears sweaters, coats, and lots of dress pants. He's definitely matured.

"Oh! Paul! Hey," I grinned, leaning onto him slightly. His arm came around my waist, holding me tightly. "Bonjour," Trevor said. The man in front of us just stared at us as we gazed into each other's eyes.

"Oh, tu peux y aller maintenant," Trevor spoke. The man stood there just for a few more seconds before Trevor raised his voice at him. "Va te faire foutre!" The man shuddered in fear and went on moving.

Trevor turned his gaze back to me. "I have no idea what you were saying but it must've been pretty bad, huh?" I giggled, playing with the collar under his sweater. "Oh! You bet! I scared that motherfucker. Anyways, why were you out here on your own? I told you you couldn't go out in public without someone with you," Trevor growled.

"I'm sorry, I just... I couldn't wait till you got back from the liquor store," I mellowed. "It's okay, princess. Just don't do that again, okay?" His lips met my forehead. My cheeks flushed red. "Okay," I promised.

Trevor didn't want me out in public on my own because that was a huge risk. Who knows what's out there to get me. For all I know, someone could be looking for us. He told me if I go down he'd want to go down with me. And I agree. I don't want to be caught when I'm alone. Especially in such a big city we are currently in.

Back at our condo, I began slicing bread and putting some butter on it. The flavor of it was amazing. It had just the right amount of butter on it. Paris had such great food. Nothing could compete.

all reason aside, i just can't deny, i love the guy | trevor philipsWhere stories live. Discover now