Chapter VII

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Rough Detective - The Dead Weather


Lester's location had been granted and we got the permission that we could search his home. Dart and I arrived together, I had already clutched my pistol strapped to my waist. I knock, saying it's the police.

There was a short pause before a man in a wheelchair opened the door. He had faded red hair, a scruff, and wore dirty clothes that hadn't been washed in days it seemed. Behind him was a messy living room and tucked in the corner were multiple monitors.

"Hello, are you Lester?" I ask. "Yes, what's going on?" He shakes. "We are here to search your home. We've got a warrant"—I show it—"and we are here to solve any mystery's regarding Isabella Rockfield and Trevor Philips. Do you think you can help us?"

There's a clear hesitation on his face. Like he's deciding for his fate.

"I-I'm gonna get killed!" He wheels himself away, about to close the door. Dart stops him. "Lester, we are not going to kill you. We are trying to help you," Dart sighs.

"Oh, no! I don't think you guys are gonna kill me! Trevor is!" Dart and I look at each other. "What?" I say.

"I-I'm not allowed to give out any information about what I've done!" His fingers are trembling. "Lester, may we come inside?" I interrupt.

He shrugs, almost in defeat. "Yeah."

He takes us over to his couch, which is super filthy. There's an empty box of pizza laying on the floor. This place smells of body odor and rotten food.

"Lester," Dart starts. "Tell us, what deal did you make with Trevor where if you broke it he'd kill you?" Lester gulps, looking around. "I made him a fake identity," he admits. "For what? To run away?" Dart asks.

"I don't know! That's the thing! He said I had to make him a fake ID but I couldn't ask what it was for!"

"Hmm," I mumble. I'm thinking back to my Paris theory. "Was Isabella there?"

He shakes his head. "Yeah. That's his girlfriend. I also made her a fake ID."

"I'm sure you have them still saved in a file on your computer, can I see them?" Lester nods and leads me over to his weird setup.

He opens two files: one labeled Trevor ID and the other Bella ID. "Here's Trevor's." Paul Philips, it reads.

"W-Wait, does this have to do with the murders of Michael and Dave?" Lester freaks. "We are trying to figure that out," I answer.

"Oh, God. They had to of done it!"

"Lester, let's calm down. We don't know that for sure," I uttered.

I see Isabella's ID, Alison Rockfield. So much for hiding your identity. They have the same last names as before.

"Uh, I... I helped them rob the Pacific Standard Public Deposit Bank!" Lester bursts. The room goes quiet. I can feel the eyes of Dart on my back. He's just as shocked as me.

"Okay... Lester, we're gonna need you down at the precinct," I order.

Lester's been sent into a room with me and Dart. He sits across from us as we study him. His hands are stuck together by a pair of handcuffs.

"Tell us, how'd you help them cause mass murder?" Dart questions, sitting forward. I've got a pen in my hand with a notepad under me. Lester stares between the two of us before answering.

"Bella! Bella and Trevor! They wanted to do a heist! Michael De Santa was there, too!" I write down Michael De Santa on my paper. "What did Michael have anything to do with this?" I'm wondering. "Michael made a deal with the government to give him protection years ago. He failed to not get out of crime. He went back into robbing things with our crew. I'm the big nerdy hacker in the group. I find people online to help us," Lester stutters.

all reason aside, i just can't deny, i love the guy | trevor philipsWhere stories live. Discover now