Chapter 12

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When the meeting was over I went over to Malu.
Y/n: So we gonna fight to what cause I ain't got all day
Malu: Of Course
She then swings, but I dodge it
Y/n: How are you in a gang, but yet your so weak *laughs*
Malu: No wonder why your parents left you, and your mom died cause your a useless piece of shit
When she said that anger filled my body and then I beat her up, I picked her up and body slammed her, I then grabbed her hair and dragged her to we're there was a clear space to fight, I then got on top of her and started punching her, I then get up and kick her in the face she was bleeding bad, but I didn't care it was what she deserved for saying that.

Mattia POV
I was looking for her, but then I saw her Malu was in bad shape like bad, y/n was beating her up she had Malus blood all over her, I went to go and grabbed her, but she pushed her off, then I saw Charli, Malu and her were best friends
Malu: Call Hector
Charli: Okay
Charli: Get her the fuck off of you
Y/n: Bitch you can be next if you want too
Malu: Hurry up she's scared of Hector
Y/n: Not anymore, you see this is why you don't fuck with me ight
I still try to get her off but there's no use then Hector pulls up
Hector: Get the fuck off y/n!
Y/n: Or what remember what will happen hector

Hector then starts to try and punch, I then got my gun out and shot his other leg
Y/n: I fucking told you hector don't mess with me anymore, your lucky everyone is watching or else it would've been through your head. Malu then grabbed me by the hair and flipped us over she tried punching me on the ground but she couldn't, I then grabbed her legs causing her to stop and then I flipped her over me and got on top of her agian.
Mattia: Y/n Stop your gonna kill her
Y/n: Good she deserves it
Y/n: Funny thing is that you were never there
I laugh with a tear in my eye my dad then comes up to me and pulls me off he had to pull me off hard cause I had a good grip on Malu
Malu: This isn't over
Y/n: Your right next time your fucking dead, watch your back thirsty hoe
My dad then slaps me from my actions
Y/n: WTF don't touch me
Miguel: You better listen good don't you ever do that again
Y/n: Your not the fucking boss of me last time I checked the closest to a partner figure is Abuela
Miguel: Well then since she's not here I'm your parent figure
I then pull out my phone and ft her she doesn't answer which is strange cause she always answered I tried again and she didn't answer I tried so many times that I started to get worried. I then remembered I didn't give her the pills she needed to take.
Y/n: No, no, no, no
I say about to cry
I run home I didn't stop running I saw her on the ground lifeless I started crying so much.

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