Chapter 7

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I was gonna go see Hector I'm  so excited cause this is going to be our 1 month anniversary.
Abuela: Mija Pa onde Vas?
"Mija where are you going"
Y/n: Oh, voy a Hèctors
"Oh I'm going to hectors"
Abuela: Mija ten quidado tengo una Mala ambiente de èl
"Mija be careful I have a bad vibe about him"
Y/n: No te preocupes estoy segura con el
"Don't worry I'm safe with him"
Abuela: Bueno pues pero ten quidado porfavor
"Okay then, but be careful"
Y/n: Okay

When I went outside I saw him.
Hector: Hurry up let's go
Y/n: okay, okay chillll
Hector: Okay
I got in, but he was driving hella fast I was low key scared.
Y/n: Hector slow down please
Hector: don't tell me what to do bitch
Y/n: Wtf don't call me a bitch ever again
Hector: Or what
I never knew this side of hector he was acting like a complete dick! When we got to his house he dragged me out of his car none was home just me and him.
A/n: I'm writing this right now and I feel so uncomfortable, but yea sum nasty gonna go on and ummm low key gets me mad of what's he gonna do so it might get you mad too. Back to the story.

He threw me on the bed and started ripping my close off.
I started crying a lot and started screaming for help but he slapped me and then he raped me... He was asleep after an hour or two and I grabbed my clothes and left and ran to my house.
Abuela: Que paso Mija
"What happened Mija"
Y/n: Me tocó de una manera que no quería que tocaran
" He touched me in a way I didn't want to be touched"
I say crying my eyes out I got to the point crying to where I couldn't even breath
Abuela: Ay dios mio no llores. Respira, respira Mija
"Oh my god don't cry just breathe, breathe"
Y/n: que debo hacer
"What do I do"
Abuela: No sé, Por favor, no te acerques
a él
"I don't know, but please don't go near him"
Y/n: dijo que si incluso or dojera a alguin que los mataría
"He did if I ever told anyone he would kill em"
Abuela: No te preocupes, sé cómo a protegereme, solo be a dormir bien.
"Don't worry I know how to protect myself, just go to sleep okay"
Y/n: Okay gracias abuela
"Okay thanks grandma"
                 *End Of Flashback*
Mattia POV
When she was done telling me the story I was pissed that he did that to her, I just wanted to fucking kill him, she started crying mid way of the ending of the story.

I hugged him so tight not wanting to let go, I then looked up into his eyes and we kissed.

A/n: Oh and I didn't mention this, but they went back to y/n house so yea, back to the story.

We ended up making out until my Abuela and dad walked in so we stopped
Papa/Miguel: Ay dios mio wtf!
"Oh my god what the fuck"
Abuela: Ay gracias a dios que no es ese otro idiota
"Oh thank god it's not that other idiot"
Papa/Miguel: What other idiot y/n you better explain
I then explained and my dad was pisses and I mean pissed
Papa/Miguel: So your telling me the idiot that was hitting you the other day fucking raped you and almost did tonight too
Mattia & y/n: Yea
Papa/Miguel: Oh and why the fuck are you making out with mattia
Y/n & mattia: ummmmmm
Abuela: Dios mio cállete Miguel, el es mejor que ese otro pedazo de mirerda, y mas lindo
"Omg Miguel shut up he's better than the other piece of shit and more cuter"
Y/n: ABUELA!!!
I scream blushing
Miguel/papa: MAMA
Mattia: Gracias señora
"Thank you ma'am"
Abuela: Ah y Mira mejores modales tambièn
I then slap my head as face palm. He stayed the night and my dad and abuela walked to their rooms and fell asleep me and mattia went to sleep cuddling.

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