Chapter 8

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I woke up with mattias arms around my waist we looked like this

Y/n POVI woke up with mattias arms around my waist we looked like this

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I had to get up quietly to go shower. When I was done showering I wore this.

Mattia has woken up he went to go shower and he put this on

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Mattia has woken up he went to go shower and he put this on

Once we were ready he hugged me from behind and gave me a kiss on my neck and turned me around kissed me, he had really soft lips this kiss was passionate

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Once we were ready he hugged me from behind and gave me a kiss on my neck and turned me around kissed me, he had really soft lips this kiss was passionate. The once again my dad had to ruin the moment.
Papa: Ay Mija why do y'all have to do this now, oh and mattia we have a meeting later on at 12
Y/n: ohhh can I go and I want to know where you work at papa
Papa & Mattia: It's too dangerous for you
When they said that I was pissed cause I lived mosh if my life alone cause I didn't have parents just my abuela who is old and can barely even do anything so I went over to them and grabbed both if their arms and twisted it behind their back almost breaking it
Y/n: So your saying I'm weak I can fucking protect my self I mean I did grow up with out fucking parents not a single one in my life just abuela.
Miguel/papa: I'm sorry but no means no
Y/n: ight then bet
I grabbed my backpack and grabbed my gun from my drawer because I always had it ever since I told my abuela about what happened with hector cause I was scared that he was gonna come back and I was right
Mattia: WOW where'd you get that from
Y/n: I keep it to keep my self safe I had it ever since because I was scared
Papa: Mija let me ask you a question how old were you when hector did that to you
Y/n: I was 15 papa, 15! Ever since I keep this gun cause I'm scared!
Mattia: You don't have to be scared you have us.
Y/n: You guys aren't going to always be there, I mean papa you can walk out on me and go do some shit for your "job" and mattia who knows maybe you'll find someone else so I'm keeping this and nones gonna take it from me, and I mean none of I'm being honest if hector touches me again I'm done with his bullshit a bullets going to go through his fucking head.
Papa: Mija chill I know you've been trough a lot, but just give me the gun and we will always be there for you,
Y/n: I'm sorry but no like I said you guys aren't going to always be there now if you excuse me I have to go to school.
Papa: Mattia please look out for her I know our gangs aren't officially working together, but please
Mattia: I know I will.

I overheard mattia and my dad talking and it turns out their in gangs I don't know what got over me, but I went storming back into my room
Y/n: So your gang leaders huh
Miguel: How did you hear us we thought you were gone
Y/n: What can I say I guess I'm stealthy huh
Mattia: You can't tell none
Y/n: Who the fuck am I going to tell, oh and I guess this was your job huh.
Papa: Mija I know this seems crazy, but please don't be scared of us for killing people
Y/n: pffftt me scared y'all act like if I'm that innocent to not have killed someone either.
Papa: What do you mean who the fuck did you kill
Y/n: That's my little secret for me to know just like how you 2 being gang leaders
Mattia: Y/n just tell us who you killed
I just ignored him cause I'm going to let them find out for themselves just how I found out by myself.

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