Chapter 16

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When I walked off I answered the unknown call.
Unknown: Hello is this y/n Hernandez?
Y/n: Yes is there a problem
Unknown: No ma'am I was just saying that your grandma will just be in a coma for a couple weeks
Y/n: Oh my god really thank you so much
Hospital: Yes no problem
When the call ended I went to go tell mattia and my dad they were so happy as well.

Miguel's POV
When we heard that abuela was still alive that felt so good, because then I would've had to of talked to her mothers side which wouldn't end very well, because they've been trying to get at her for a very long time, because when I left her to abuela that means that if abuela dies they would've had full on custity on her, but now that it's me and abuela we still have custity on her we just can't die.

Mattias POV
When I heard that abuela was alive I went to go and hug y/n cause I was so happy.
Y/n: can we go to the hospital to go and see abuela please
Mattia: sure
Miguel: I have to do some things but I'll see you later okay
Y/n & mattia: Okay

When we got there I was so excited to see Abuela, but we then saw hector, Malu, and Charli we ended up bringing Leilani cause she wanted to meet abuela.
Charli: Oh doesn't she look so peaceful
Y/n: If you do some shit I swear to mother fucken god I will kill you I swear on my life I will and no one will stop me from it
Malu: Oh but what if I *Unplugs the plug of the monitors of abuela
Y/n: Y-You killed her *holding back tears*
I then tackled her and started beating the shut out of her she was worse than the first time then leilani and mattia started fighting as well that's when I opened my eyes to look at Malu she was covered in blood almost dead
Malu: S-stop P-pl-please
Hector: Oh my god ight get off mattia
As he was getting up he tripped over a cord and fell out the window and he died.....
Malu & Charli: Nooooooooo
I then laughed
Y/n: Serves him right I wished you all went with him though
They then tackled me but I got them off of me and punched way harder than I thought I could ever punch and they passed out just from that one punch and we took them back to our place so that doctors wouldn't see I was crying cause Abuelas gone now all cause of that stupid bitch I swear I will kill her one of these days I swear on my life I will.

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