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"Yah! Zhong Chenle!" Jaemin exits the bakery kitchen fuming at his younger friend. Sicheng turns from the cash register, eyes wide. Chenle was the only customer since it was later in the evening.

The young Chinese boy looks to Jaemin in fear. "Hyung! It's so good to see you!"

"Don't bullshit me Chenle." Jaemin stomps over to his friend. "Why would you put your food on my wallet!?" Of course, Jaemin wasn't being literal. There was not physically a piece of chocolate cake on his black wallet. What he really meant was why Chenle put the price for the cake for Jaemin to pay for.

Chenle laughs nervously. "Oh come on hyung, I don't have any-"

"Zhong Chenle, you practically own China. Do not tell me that you don't have any money. You could buy my school if you wanted to. So look me in the eye and tell you don't have any money." Jaemin says, sitting across from his friend. After a moment of silence, Jaemin nods. "See? Now you owe me 6 bucks."

Chenle sighs. "But hyung~~"

"Uh uh." Jaemin wags his finger. "Gimme." He stretches his hand out expectantly.

"R-right now?"


"But I don't have any-"

"Zhong Chenle. I can see your wallet outline in your pant pocket." Jaemin points to the square-shaped bump in Chenle's left pocket.

"Oh, would you look at the time. Gotta blast hyung!" Chenle jumps from his seat and rushes out of the bakery. Jaemin groans loudly before calling Mark.


"Jaemin." The older boy mocks through the call.

Jaemin sighs. "You and I are storming Chenle's house."


"He owes me money."

"Right, sounds fair."

Jaemin gives a goodbye and hangs up. He hurries to the back, hangs up his smock and rushes out of the employee's door with his backpack. He hops on his bike and pedals out towards the richer part of town.

Taeil walks into the main part of the bakery, eyebrow raised. "What was all the ruckus about Sicheng?"

"I'm...not sure..."


Jaemin skids to a stop in Chenle's cousin's driveway. The Chinese boy had recently moved out of Mark's house when he found his cousin had moved to Korea. This means Chenle now not only goes to the private school but also lives in the richer part of town as well.

Mark pulls up beside Jaemin, raising a brow. "Well?"

"I need my 6 bucks." Jaemin walks up the steps to the front door, knocking loudly.

"What!? Only 6 bucks!? Dude, you dragged me all the way out here for six fucking dollars-"

"Get in here Mork." Jaemin drags his friend into the house by his collar. The two boys greet Chenle's cousin, Yukhei, who tells them that Chenle was in the basement. Jaemin nods and continues to drag Mark to the top of the basement stairs. "Zhong Chenle."

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