Chapter 26: Bye Bye Butterfree

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You might not expect what's going to happen.

Disclaimer: I don't own Pokémon.
The group was walking towards Celedon City. It has been two days since they had left Vermillion City. They said goodbye to Chase where he went opposite side. Then they were met with flock of Butterfree flying around in the air near a cliff which overlooked the ocean.

"Butterfree?" Ash questioned.

"Wow! They are so many!" Serena exclaimed.

"That's a Butterfree from their training valley," a voice was heard. They turned back to see a fine gentleman with a stick.

"A training valley?" Ash asked him.

"It's a valley where Butterfree can find their mate and also train to be the strong Pokémon," he explained.

"So it's the place for Butterfree's future..." Ash murmured and he looked at the Pokeball where Butterfree is in it. "I wonder what Butterfree think oh this?"

"So you kid have Butterfree," he asked interestingly.

"Yes sir. I do," Ash replied back.

"Then why don't we have a battle!" a gentleman said as he took out a Pokeball.

"Alright! Bring it on!" Ash said excitedly.
"Go, Butterfree! Use Confusion!" Ash yelled to his Butterfree.

Butterfree's eyes glowed blue for a moment before unleashing a psychic blast of energy at its opponent who was a Raticate. The Raticate gave a yelp of pain as it was knocked off its feet and onto the ground.

The opposing trainer wasn't going to give up so easily. "Raticate, use Super Fang!" he said.

Raticate got off the ground and leaped into the air at Butterfree with its teeth bared.

"Dodge it quick, Butterfree!" Ash told his Pokemon.

Butterfree than flew above the Raticate, and the rat Pokemon soared underneath it. Once Raticate landed on the ground, it leaped into the air again for another Super Fang, but Butterfree dodged that one, too. This went on for a few more times before Ash decided to act.

"Use String Shot!" Ash ordered.

Butterfree nodded and shot a sticky string at its opponent. However, the man made his call before disaster. "Dodge it and use Hyper Fang!"

Raticate jumped up high while showing it's front teeth, but Butterfree once again flew upwards to dodge the attack.

"Use Stun Spore, Butterfree!" Ash called.

Butterfree nodded as it prepared its wings for the attack. This time, once Raticate landed on the ground again, Butterfree began to sprinkle a brown powder from its wings onto the opposing Pokemon. The Raticate than began to tremble violently as the powder fell onto it. It was paralyzed.

"Try to shake free of it, Raticate!" the gentleman yelled, but it was no use.

"Excellent, Butterfree! Finish it with a Tackle attack!" Ash said.

Butterfree then flew forward and slammed into Raticate. The rat Pokemon was then knocked onto its back and down for the count.

"Raticate is unable to battle! Butterfree is the winner!" Brock, who was judging, announced while pointing to Ash.

"That was awesome, Butterfree!" Ash congratulated his Pokemon as he and Pikachu rushed forward to it.

"Freeeeeeeee!" Butterfree cried in delight

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