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Kirishima Eijirou. Many thought he was always true to his outward appearance, they thought he was always happy. 

In all honesty he wishes they were right, wishes he didn't just bullshit his way through life. Sometimes he doesn't know what he's doing anymore. When he was little everything was easy, sure he had those moments when he got a scratch or scrape and started to get sad like every little kid, but he was always told to "tough it up, be a man Eijirou!" So he would put on that proud smile and rub away those pesky tears. Everything was always fine, that is until he matured and everything got difficult. He realized the harsh reality the world had in store for everyone. It wasn't instant of course, you dont just wake up one day and realize "oh ya, my life and probably everyone's life is going to suck." No, you learn that over time. 

Kirishima's life was actually good at first, almost cliché how loving his family was. But over time it corrupted, almost like decaying butterflies. At first he noticed how his family would eat dinner together less, until eventually they just didn't at all. Then they wouldn't talk as much, until everytime they talked it turned into yelling. His mother always nagged him about chores and homework like every mother, but he hated how thats all she said to him anymore. The yelling got more aggressive, and usually ended up in crying and some one "taking a step out" which means leaving for the rest of the night. Every time his family argued, they always just defended themselves, but that changed when Kirishima was 11. His father took the argument further than usual and told Eijiro he was a "disappointment". His father called him names like that every so often, and eventually Kirishima started to believe him. It only got worse from then on out. It finally broke Kirishima when his father found out about his self-deprecating thoughts. They started to argue like always, but this time his father actually did something physical. He took ahold of Eijirou's shirt collar and screamed in his face "You a worthless human being. These thoughts are unmanly to think and obviously so are you!" And with those words he threw him onto the kitchen floor, and stomped away. Those words broke him, and he thought that it was his fault. His fault for thinking those things, being truthful, being disgusting, being unmanly. He decided that day forward, he would be a man his father could be proud of. Be a man his mother could love. Be someone everyone knew as manly. 

Kirishima immediately knew the most manly thing he could be was a hero, he had no confidence in his quirk or personality, but still thought to give it a try. He knew even if he died, he would die trying which was the most manly way to go. He later learned of UA high, and knew he was going to try to get in. He thought that if he somehow got in, and became a hero he could help people. He could be looked up to, and his father would be proud.

Although he hid his true emotions from his family, the arguing and verbal abuse never stopped. Kirishima had faith though, he just knew that if he got in his father would accept him, right? 

The day before trying out for UA, Kirishima knew he needed a change. He just couldn't figure it out yet. He knew he loved sharks, meat (no nothing dirty, u pervs), the color red, crimson riot... and oh perfect idea. He'd color his hair red just like him, and of course style it similar as well. He didn't realize until after that his dad wasn't very fond of it... oops. 

Kirishima somehow managed to make it in (ofc bc hes the best), and he was ecstatic. He immediately told his father, to which he said "You finally did something worthwhile after all these years.".  Kirishima couldn't have been happier when those words were mumbled out of his dads mouth. He felt he accomplished something after always failing. 

Kirishima has been at UA for a few weeks, and has made a few friends. He met a dude with yellow hair and he seemed like a human pikachu named Kaminari, another dude with black hair who looked pretty generic but had circular elbows name Sero, and pink alien girl (queen) who he went to middle school with named Mina. Sometimes they would also drag along this angry firecracker named Bakgou. Kirishima loved all of them more than anything, and he knew all of them were super manly and awesome.

Right now its the Wednesday of the third week at UA, and Kirishima is just praying everything stays normal at school, and hoping he doesn't disappoint anyone else.

What will happen. Nobody knowwwssss. OOoooOOoOoO AaAaaAAaAaA.

Sorry lol.

 So this is literally like my first time posting anything I've written, and it'll probably be shitty. I have ideas for other stories but it'll take forever to write everything. Im literally all over the place so this might take me FOREVER to write, and i might not even finish it. Ill try my best to, but idek. This is just an introduction to the story. Like i said its my first time writing anything serious so try to bare with me please. Also i have absolutely NO consistency in my schedule so thats that. Anyway that's all for now sooooo... ya. Bye ig??? 

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