Just bending the truth {Chapter 2}

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{Kirishima's POV}

I wake up on the floor, and I automatically feel the pain in my neck. I guess thats what I get for sleeping hunched over with my back to the door. I open my eyes tiredly and realize its a school day and I did NO work, just GREAT. I look over to the clock,  praying I didn't wake up late and... oh no. "Thats just great. Thank you so damn much universe." 

I quickly get up and run to the bathroom. I start mumbling to myself while rushing around getting ready, I sound insane but I dont have time to think about about it. "Ok, I dont have time to do my hair so I'll just put it in a bun. Where THE FUCK is my uniform, ok there it is. Why do I have such a bad headache. Ill just grab some Advil from the bathroom real quick. Ya, then I'll run and I'll probably make it if I... what the fuck?!?". Im confused. I woke up, got ready and went to grab Advil out of the bathroom, so why do I have a black eye and a split lip. 

I start recalling what happened yesterday. I went to school, we talked about ramen, came home, told father about my test and he punched me. Ya, I remember now. "How am I supposed to cover this up!" I start to panic, if people see then that will be suspicious, and if they find out what really happened then they'll probably think somethings wrong. They'll blame father for what happened, when in reality its my fault. But I dont have anything to cover it up, and I have no time to go to the store and buy something. I guess I can try to lie and say I got it during training, but it's going to be hard because I'm horrible at lying. I consider walking, but I really dont have time today. I reluctantly grab some of the money I'v saved up and run to the bus stop. Lucky I only had to wait about 3 minutes until a bus arrived. 

I start doing math in my head to see about how long I have until homeroom starts. If I run as soon as this bus stops the I should get there just in time. I start to get anxious on the way to school. If I get there late then I might get in trouble, and It'll be an inconvenience to Aizawa Sensei and the class. And if father finds out then it would just be wayyy worse. Why do I do this, what's wrong with me. The bus stops jolting me out of my thoughts, and I look at the doors. They take all but 2 seconds to slide open, but it feels like forever. I immediately dash out the bus and to the school, it's probably messing up my hair and I know I look like a mess. I am a mess. I hope no one really notices my black eye, I don't want anyone to worry about me. I always make people worry about me, or I disappoint them. Wait, I can't think like this right now, I have to get to class fast. 

I see Aizawa Sensei walking past the gates of UA heading to class, and I run straight past him. I have to get to class before he does or I'll be late. I run as fast as I possibly could, I probably look like Iida. I run up the stares and through the halls ignoring the teachers yelling at me to stop. As I run, I get closer and closer, and finally the door to class 1-A comes into my sight. I run as fast as I would if All For One was chasing me, and I finally reach the door. I burst into the classroom, panting with my hair a mess and red cheeks. I walk to my seat and basically fall into it still trying to catch my breath. 

By now the bakusquad was around my desk questioning me. "Hey bro, what happened- OMG Kiri are you ok!?!? Why were you running, did something happen- SHUT UP AND LET HIM SPEAK DUMBASSES!" Mina, Sero, and Kami say all at one confusing me, and Bakugou finally shuts them up. "Well I- Good morning students, settle down now." Aizawa says cutting me off as soon as I go to answer. He looks at me concerned and confused because not only did he see me run past him to get to class, he can also now clearly see I have a black eye and busted lip. 

Everyone goes back to their seats reluctant and frustrated, and I can feel all eyes on me. Why is it so quiet all of a sudden? Can someone please just talk and get the attention off of me. "Ok lets get started on todays lesson." Thank you. Aizawa starts the lesson, and I can't help but internally sigh of relief. I drift in and out of thought, struggling to pay attention but slightly doing so. As class goes on, I try to prepare my conscious for this lie. So I'm going to say I got hurt while training, and technically I was because all that really happened was me being taught a lesson. My father was just teaching me to be better, and I was was listening. Being taught is like training in a way, so I'm not lying right? I'm just slightly bending the truth. "BIIIIING" The lunch bell goes off and sends shivers down my spine. I have to face them now, and I'm really not looking forward to it. 

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