I Thought I Did Good {Chapter 4}

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{Kirishima's POV} 

The rest of the week went by normally. I went to school Friday and had a pretty good time. Usually I'd go out with the bakusquad on the weekends, but father said that I couldn't this weekend because if I "Study instead of hanging out friends who don't even like you, maybe you wouldn't be so worthless.". So I basically stayed home all weekend trying to study. He's probably right about my friends not actually liking me. I mean, how could they? They're all so manly with great quirks, and I'm not as great as they are. 

Sunday I had to go to store to pick up groceries and grab some concealer to cover up any bruises. I'm expecting to get more because not only am I disappointing father more, I'm not improving either. I can't even get groceries properly. I forgot some stuff, and I picked up the wrong type of milk, which is why I got slapped after I went home. I never improve even though I try so hard, and it's so disappointing. I'll never be a man. 

Right now I'm walking to school FREAKING OUT because I have a major test today. Thats mostly what I was studying for all week. I'm trying to calm down before I get to school, because it's really unmanly to be so freaked out by a test. I'm just praying I do good enough to make father proud. I don't want to disappoint him anymore. 

I come to a stop right out side of UA. I don't know if I'm ready for this test, but I can't really avoid it. I sigh and walk to my class. "Hey Kiri~ are you ready for the test today. I'm suuuuper pumped!" Mina screeches as soon as I get one step in the door. "Ya man, I'm ready to kick this test's ass!" I say psyching myself up. Maybe it won't be so bad. I mean I'm really going to try my best, so I might do good. "To be honest dude, I'm kinda scared. I mean, you know it's like a big grade right. This one is like one of 'the important' tests." Kami starts whining. I totally agree with him, but we should try to stay positive. We start walking over to Bakugou's desk, and Sero follows. "What do you losers want." Bakugou says with his signature scowl. I lean on his desk and say "Hey man, are you ready for this test, because I mean if any of us would do good, it'd be you bro!" "Of fucking course I'm ready for this test. I'm not some dumb idiot like you nerds." Bakugou yells and pushes me off. Me and Sero just chuckle while Mina and Kami start to fake pout. None of us would ever truly be hurt by Bakugou's harsh wording, we all know that's just how he is and accept it. We talk for a few minutes while more people come into class until we hear "Good morning class, take your seats". 

We all head to our seats and Mr. Aizawa starts talking again. "As you all know, or should know, we have one of our major assessments today. Now, this grade is very important, so I want you all to try your best. Iida, please pass out the test. Once you get your test you are free to start, and NO cheating." Iida gets starts to pass out our tests, and I already feel my hands start to sweat. Damn stupid tests and grades. I guess here we go. 

I get through over half of the test, but I don't know if I even got anything right. I look up to the clock only to panic because I only have 7 minutes left. What the hell man, were the fuck did all the time go?!? I struggle to get a few more questions done, and Mr. Aizawa tells Iida to start to pick up the tests. I'm going to fail, maybe they'll have a retest? "Ok students All Might offered to grade these tests fast for you, so you'll be getting them back at the end of the day." Well that gives me NO TIME to prepare for this at all. 

The bell rings for lunch, so I walk over to Kami's desk where Kami and Mina are. "Ya I think I did preeetttyyyy bad, I only got to numbers 6." Kami says while laughing. Mina starts to fake pout while saying "I did way worse than was expecting to do." Sero and Bakugou walked over while they were talking, so now we're all just gathered around Kami's desk. "Well I did pretty damn good." Bakugou says with a grin. "I think I did pretty good too. I mean I only really struggled with a few questions, so hopefully that's a good sign?" Sero says; saying it more like a question than an answer. I guess it's my turn? "Wellllll I got to over half the test, but I don't really know if I got any right? I think I'll be fine." "Oh you'll all be fineeee. It's not that important." Mina says, did she forget this was a MAJOR garde! "Ok guys can we get going to lunch, I'm kinda hungry." After that comment Kami made, we all nodded in agreement (except Bakugou who just rolled his eyes) and walked to lunch.

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