Day One

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Cross-posted from ArchiveOfOurOwn (I'm there under the same username - @ / jowritesthings). My first fic in the Be More Chill fandom. What was supposed to be a short tragic one-shot turned into 20k+ of pure crack taken seriously.



In which the body swap is a Thing, there is much freaking out, Rich and Jake are idiots, and Jeremy is oblivious.

 "Jeremy, this is amazing! I can't believe you found this!"

Jeremy Heere smiled fondly at his best friend Michael Mell as he gushed about the event they were at, brown eyes bright with excitement.

It was a little over halfway through their senior year, and the entire senior class was on a trip to Orlando, Florida. The bus ride all the way down there had kinda been hell (and the ride back would no doubt be worse), but once they were actually there, everyone was having loads of fun (which was an understatement, in all honesty).

Of course, they had gone to all of the traditional places during the trip, Universal Studios being one of them. There, Jeremy had been able to enjoy the sight of Michael in full geek-out mode, dressed in his Hogwarts robes and Hufflepuff gear (back from that one obsession when they were both eleven and eagerly awaiting their letters to Hogwarts) and waving around a wand at everything (including the animatronic dinosaurs in the Jurassic Park area of the park...). Then, another night, the seniors had all gone to a mystery dinner theatre show, where Michael had been able to enjoy the sight of Jeremy in a pink, fluffy apron and maid's outfit (but that was a long, completely different story in entirety).

Later on in the trip, on this particular afternoon, they had all been bussed to a giant Disney strip mall and given the rest of the day to shop, hang, whatever they wanted. (Jeremy wasn't really sure how the mall felt about hundreds of teens being herded in without warning, but he bought a small dinosaur figurine that kinda looked like something from Michael's most recent gaming obsession for his next birthday and a hat so he didn't die in the surprising heat, so he felt a little better about it. At least they were getting a lot of business from the rowdy crowd of teens.)

At first, Jeremy and Michael had been in a group with the surprising friend group they had somehow gained after the whole...incident last year, a group that consisted of Rich's proclaimed SQUIP Squad: Christine Canigula, Rich Goranski, Jake Dillinger, Chloe Valentine, Brooke Lohst, and Jenna Rolan. But after walking around a bit, the group had eventually broken apart, with Rich and Jake stopping by a sports store to gawk at merch and the girls all insisting on going into a huge Disney store. Jeremy and Michael didn't really mind, though, and the two best friends had found themselves wandering aimlessly around the huge strip mall, licking away at too-expensive ice cream.

While they had been wandering past a fountain (and in the middle of Michael trying to convince him to run into said fountain because what good friend doesn't want to get their bestie kicked out of a mall?), Jeremy had spotted a giant Coca Cola store, and, knowing his best friend, had promptly steered them in that direction. Which had led them to where they were now.

Now the two were situated on the top level of the Coca Cola store ("Four floors of complete awesomeness," Michael had gushed before rushing past a giant ad for some new orange drink and going to the shelves to see if there were any retro drinks anywhere).

The fourth floor was an outdoor bar-type setting, only with soda instead of alcohol. People chatted quietly, the roof blocked just enough sun but the open sides let in just enough warmth, the perfect amount of hesitant spring breeze whispered by.

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