Day Two

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Happy Friday! Here we go again, once more in for a wild ride--a wild waterpark ride, to be specific.



In which there is a waterpark, more freaking out, Rich and Jake are still being stupid, oh and of course a nice side of some realizations of love (It's About Time Jeremy).

Jeremy was usually the first of the four boys to wake up, but the next morning was mildly different.

At seven on the dot, he was always awake and ready to jump out of bed, and that morning was no different. (Hey, old habits died hard, especially when they were electrically shocked into you by a microchip supercomputer implanted into your brain.)

But he wasn't the only one stirring.

Next to him, Michael—still in Jeremy's own body, as Jeremy was dismayed to discover (having prayed it had all just been a really bad dream)—was stirring as well, most likely since Jeremy's body still remembered the SQUIP's influence and got phantom shocks.

Michael shifted in his sleep and let out a quiet, soft groan. His arm slid off of Jeremy's waist, trailing dangerously lower.

Jeremy nearly jumped out of his skin (or, well, Michael's, he supposed). He quickly moved Michael's arm away from dangerous territories and off of his body completely for a good measure.

Of course, it didn't really help that the two of them were squished together on the hotel bed, as closely as possible, with Michael's soft breath hitting Jeremy's neck.

...And of course, now that he was thinking about it and actually noticing it, Jeremy couldn't seem to stop thinking about that warm breath, softly puffing out against his neck....

Ohhh-kay, getting up now.

Jeremy shot up in bed, legs swinging over the side of the bed as he glanced at the clock, which read seven on the nose.

Suddenly, Michael shot up as well. Or, well, Jeremy's body did. The soul inside it still seemed to be completely out of it. "Gah!" said soul mumbled, half-asleep. "Wh...wha?"

"Good morning to you too, Michael," Jeremy mumbled to his best friend, smiling slightly.

"Wh...what time is it?" Michael asked, rubbing his now-blue eyes with his hands.

Jeremy looked over at the clock again. "...Seven oh-one."

"This is too damn early for me to even be existing right now," Michael moaned, raking a hand through his hair, which was sticking straight up. "Why does your body want to be up and about at seven in the freaking morning? I'm feeling tons of pins and needles, dude."

Jeremy looked down. "...That'd be the phantom shocks left over from the SQUIP," he admitted quietly. "I'm sorry you're having to deal with them."

Michael looked earnestly at Jeremy. "Dude, I'm sorry you have to deal with them on a daily basis. I don't mind dealing with it for, what, a few days, tops? That's nothing."

"That's not nothing," Jeremy muttered, but he grudgingly let it go. He knew Michael. Michael would be Michael.

Instead, Jeremy focused on his hair. Well, it wasn't his hair at the the moment, Michael was wearing it alongside the rest of his body. "God, why didn't you ever tell me how horrible my hair looks in the morning?" he said to try and change the subject. "It's sticking straight up and looks like a rat's nest."

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