Chapter 3: My Name Is

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The rest of the week flew by very quickly for Mia

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The rest of the week flew by very quickly for Mia. She busied herself by studying other subjects. She even attempted to do Math but quickly gave up after staring at one question for too long.

I am just going to ask Taehyung next week. If he actually comes. Unlikely though but I have no choice but to trust that he will show up. If not, I am so screwed.

It was not difficult for Mia to use up her time. If anything, she didn't have time. Most of her hours were spent on just finishing the homework that her teachers had given her with barely scratching the surface. She certainly had no time or energy to spare for her own actual revision.

Mia was not getting enough sleep as well. She would get up early in the morning and head down to the library to study. After 6 pm she would head home, shower and continue studying. She would stay up until 1 am almost every day to get her work done. The moment her head hits the pillow and she fall asleep; her nightmares would come and haunt her.

Friday soon came around and Mia had only packed one of her math worksheets and her stationery. She was out the door soon enough and hopped onto a bus to the library.

When she arrived, it was slightly crowded. There were still many empty tables. She decided on sitting in the exact same spot as last time. She always sat there ever since that day. It became her spot even though it was odd that no one had sat there whenever she did show up.

Mia had set up her things neatly on the table. She took a sip of coffee from her water bottle. Her eyes glanced up at the digital clock just as it had struck 1 pm.

I don't think he is coming.

Just as if on cue, a tall figure was heading straight for her table. She looked closer and sure enough, it was Taehyung walking as if he was on a runway. Mia could see other people, mostly girls, stopped whatever they were doing and stared. They stared at Taehyung as he walked towards her with a grin on his face.

As usual.

Mia was never like this. She admits that generally it was harder for her to feel close to others. To feel that bond between two people. It was rare for her to feel any kind of attatchment to them. Taehyung however, had that affect on her. Maybe it was his box smile or his big doe eyes that had drawn the unsuspecting girl in. Maybe it was his low deep voice or his overall aura that made it difficult for her to look away as well. All Mia knew was that she was hooked.

Taehyung was wearing and oversized sweater and some ripped jeans. He was still wearing his glasses and had a backpack slung on one shoulder.

Mia had a smile on her face as well when Taehyung had lifted his arm to wave. She gave a small wave back as he sat next to her. Everyone that stared at Taehyung was now whispering with their friends. Mia wondered why she did not notice this the other day.

"Hi," Mia said shyly. Her face felt hot all of a sudden.

"Hey! Are you ready for some fun math?" Taehyung asked as he playfully lifted up his own calculator.

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