My Laughing Sounds Like Cackling HELP

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Here is my ...


So, Marauders Era, James dates Regulus Black. It's a ship I find intriguing.*

Le tiny crack-shot begins~

Now, we all know that Sirius would support James in his endeavours (I mean COMEON, teenage Wolfstar is totally a thing).

AND, he would happily trash talk anyone James was dating (not Lily Evans. She's scary. MOONY STOP LAUGHING AT ME JUST BECAUSE YOU'VE NEVER SEEN HER MAD AT YOU-)

Now, James is dating his brother, so he is morally obligated to trash talk James, but COME ON, this was Prongs, his best mate. And now he is in a dilemma of what to do.

And that, is why I'm currently cackling. You're welcome.

* Fellow Muti-shippers, I totally recommend checking out this ship.

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