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(Tori Vega's POV)

"Let's see. The Bread Mold" I said to my partner

"Bread Mold" He said back and typed it on the computer

"Furry," I said

"Furry" He said and typed it

"Mushy" I said feeling the mold

"Mushy" He said and typed

"Next, the fish mold" I said disgusted

"Fish Mold" He said and typed

"Stinky" I said after smelling it

"I am so upset! You won't believe who I got partnered with for the big showcase" My older sister Trina said

"Who?" I asked

"Andrew Harris and Jay Smith. Both tenth graders. I mean Jay is smoking hot so I don't really mind him but Andrew I do" Trina said

"What's the big showcase?" My partner asked

"It's a performance they put on at her school every year where---" I started

"They invite agents, directors, producers, and other super powerful people in show business. And it's extremely important to me which is why I am very upset and goodbye" Trina said to my partner

"Hey. He and I have a science project due tomorrow. I have to turn in my mold bush" I said

"No. Andrew and Jay are coming over and you gotta help us figure out what we're going to do in the big showcase. I definitely want to sing" Trina said then sang off key. "How was that?" She asked

"Loud?" I said

"Awesome!" She said

The doorbell rings. "Oh they're here. Stay" She said to me. She opens the door. "Come in" She said to one of the guys she's partner up with

"Thanks" He said

"So where's Jay?" Trina asked

"He's coming. He's visiting his mom right now" Andre said

"What's wrong with his mom if you don't mind me asking?" I asked

"Not really my place to say. Sorry" He said

"It's fine" I said

"Tori, that's Andrew" Trina said

"Andre" he said

"Hey" I said

"You go to Hollywood Arts too?" Andre asked

"Oh no. I'm not a performer. Just my sister" I said. There was a knock on the door.

"That must be Jay. No body get it!" Trina said then she fixed her hair and got the door. "Hi Jay" She said to the other guy.

"Hi um........." The guy named Jay said

"Trina" My sister said

"Right. Sorry I'm bad with names. Anyways sorry I'm late I had to visit my mom" He said coming into the house.

"Oh damn" I said in my head or that's what I thought I did.

"Um thanks?" He said

"Oh god did I say that out loud?" I said then laughed

"You did. But no worries. That's the normal reaction I get. First example your sister" He said pointing to Trina who is looking at him like a piece of meat

"Trina!" I said yelling at her

"Anyways. What's your name?" He asked

"Tori" I said smiling

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