Chapter Three

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After what happened at Kades I was more than happy to go home and lay in my bed all day. There's no way diabetes can just disappear over night.
Who was that guy?
Insanely hot with a kick is who he was.
God Layla what's wrong with you?
With all of these questions rumbling in my head, I dialed Sarah.
"Hey, what are you doing?"
"I'm about to go to the CW bonfire."
"Is there going to be alcohol there?"
"Um, duh, it's the Clearwater bonfire?"
"Let me get dressed, I'm coming."
With that she hangs up, that is exactly what I need an escape.
The bonfire starts early, it's practically a Clearwater senior right of passage. Everyone gets tents, and gets super drunk. I never thought I'd want to go, but I would love the escape. We arrive, and I hop out of her truck. There was already a bunch of people with tents set up drinking around a fire. Sarah says, "Caleb is setting up our tent for us. Want to go sit by the fire, I'm going to grab a drink."
I look at her, "I want one too." She raises her eyebrow and says, "Layla, you don't even drink."
Crossing my arms angrily over my chest I reply, "I do now." She shrugs, and motions for me to follow her. We pull a cooler and two chairs from her trunk and walk over to the fire. Sarah gives a few heys out, and then hands me a bottle of something called Svedka. It was a huge bottle. She smirks at me, "Drink lightly, that's vodka."
I nod at her looking at the bottle hesitantly. It was starting to get dark now, and the fire was full blaze. That's when someone puts a chair right next to mine. I look over and immediately blush when I realize it's Nathan.
"Hey beautiful, I was hoping you'd be here." That smirk of his was something else. I shrug and say, "I'm trying new things." He opens his bottle of Fireball, and says, "Cheers to trying new things." We clink our bottles, and I take a big gulp of the Svedka, it burnt my throat harshly and I wince in response. He laughs at this and then says, "Clearwater seniors! Let's play a game of Suck and Blow!" Everyone cheers, but I obviously looked lost.
Everyone trades seats but I just sat still. Nathan leans over and says, "You suck this card to your mouth, you have to pass it to the other person. If you or the other person drop the card you have to kiss then drink as much as the partner chooses." My cheeks redden as I realize he obviously wasn't going to move. But Sarah has moved in between two blonde girls.
It started with the girl beside me, she turns to me and I suck the card to my mouth. I'm sure I looked like an idiot. I turn to Nathan and he sucks it quickly to his mouth without dropping it. I was slightly disappointed.
It went around a few times, a few people had dropped it and faced the "consequences" happily. It came to the girl beside me, and we accidentally drop it look up at each other. She smirked and grabbed the back of my neck before I could react her lips were on mine. It only lasted for a little while before she smirks and says, "5 shots!" My eyes widen, that seemed like a lot.
Sarah gives me a nervous look before someone hands both of us shot glasses. They pour the first one, and she winks at me before saying, "1...2...3 GO!" We throw them back and I shake my head trying to ease the burn.
After the five shots, I didn't really feel anything. But I'd assume it would kick in soon. We all pass it around the circle again. I was starting to feel pretty messed up just as Kade suddenly pulls up a chair right next to me. What the hell is he doing here?
I mean it is the Clearwater bonfire everyone is here.
Kade passes it to me, but due to me being kind of drunk I accidentally drop the card. No way was I kissing Kade he was like my best friend! I'm mad at him! Kade smirks at me, and it was kind of weird that I was just now realizing the definition in his face. He looked.... Hot? Not like the nerdy Kade I saw literally yesterday. He had gotten a haircut too. We stare at each other for a while, and then someone scream, "Kiss!"
All of the sudden I saw a switch in his demeanor, something more dominant almost more primal. He then grabs the sides of my face and smashes his lips onto mine. For the second time tonight I was taken by surprise. Our lips move in sync, and I melt into his kiss. That is until someone pulls me away from him. I look to see a slightly agitated Nathan. "Ooo" people call around us.
Kade says, "6 shots!" With a smirk playing on his lips. What's with these boys and those heart turning smirks.
After taking the last of my six shots I started to feel pretty drunk.
I turn to Nathan, and with a new found confidence I say 'Fuck it' in my head. I blow the card onto the ground, and stand up. I sit on Nathan's lap, and grab his neck pulling his mouth onto mine. Our lips move hastily eager for each others kiss.
When we break to catch a breath, I nearly fall when I see the man from Kades house sitting there. I blink quickly and Nathan looks at me oddly, "Are you okay?" I nod, and stand up. "I need some air." I walk quickly towards the line of the woods, and I could swear I heard someone following me.
When I am safely hidden by the trees of the woods, I lean against a tree falling down. Why did I see that guy? Why am I so dizzy? Suddenly someone says, "You need to watch your drink more carefully." Kade slides down the tree next to me.
I rub my head and say, "Why?"
He sighs, "There's a reason you don't remember anything from yesterday." I couldn't even process the information before saying, "Who was that guy from yesterday?"
He sighs heavily and says, "He's just a friend, Layla, no need to worry." I stand up suddenly and huff, walking further into the woods. He follows me, "What's wrong with that answer?" I throw my hands angrily into the air, "I don't know Kade, maybe the fat that we never kept secrets from each other and all the sudden here you go!"
"We shouldn't be in the woods Layla, it's dangerous." I laugh at him mockingly, "Oh yeah, who knows maybe a serial killer will come get me. Ooo scary!"
Suddenly another voice enters the conversation, "You should listen to your boyfriend sweetheart." A man maybe in his 20's smirks at me coming from behind a tree. My eyes widen and I say, "Who the hell are you?" I step back a little bit. I had a bad feeling about this guy.
He smiles like a Cheshire Cat. As he walks closer to me Kade grabs me shoving me behind him, "She has nothing to do with this." The man replies, "Kade don't act like you know what's going on. You're a pawn in a game of kings."
Kade growls like an animal, causing me to stumble forward away from him and closer to the man. His eyes widen in alarm, and the man grabs me quickly. I gasp as he holds me to his chest something extremely sharp was pressed to my neck. I felt tears spring to my eyes as I realize my mistake. Kade looks like he's going to move forward, but the man shakes his head, "Now Kade, think about this. My claw will slice her pretty little throat open before you can get to her." Kade looks as if he's weighing his options.
Suddenly the man says, "I'm sorry about this darling, you'll be mine soon." In the blink of an eye Kade runs forward. Suddenly I am thrown the the side, I look up just in time to see he man grab Sarah who was hiding behind a tree. He digs his claw into her neck, and sliced her neck open. A blood curdling scream leaves my throat as she falls to the ground blood spewing from her neck. I caught a glimpse of shining red eyes as the man disappears into the woods. Kade and I are over to her in seconds. Kade tears his shirt off, and wraps it around her neck trying to stop the bleeding. Sarah chokes and shakes as she loses more and more blood.
I cry out in fear, "Sarah! Oh my god no!" For the fourth time tonight another person appears. The man from Kades room kneels down next to us, "Back up, Kade take her. She's going to die. You have a choice." Kade wracks his hands through his hair, "Do it. Just do it."
I shake my head, "What? Do what?" Kade grabs me picking me up, "No stop! What is he going to do! That's my friend let me the fuck go!" I kick, punch, and scream. I couldn't stop the tears.
My best friends going to die.
"It should have been me! Why her! Why'd she have to come out here!" Kade hugs me tightly to his chest as I sob. "She's going to be okay, he will fix her, Layla." I press my face into his chest sobbing loudly. Suddenly I hear moving, and then it was silent besides my sobs.
                    Kade brushes a piece of my hair out of my face and says, "They're gone, he will take care of her. I'm taking you home, you're not staying in that house alone tonight."

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