First Off You Suck.

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"Dexten! Stop this non sense right now!" Groaning slightly putting away my phone and turning off the video of this girl dying her hair horridly. "Yes
Mrs. Boob."the class laughed at my nickname for her as I stood up already walking out of the class on to sit in the hall and "think about what I've done." I sighed softly leaning against the lockers. I just wanna go home or drop out again, but I can't. Not because my parents don't want me to, they don't give a shit about that stuff. It's because my best friend luke, he's.. A tall baby. He gets picked on a lot and I'm usually the one to stop it....
About 15 minutes Later
I stood up, my jeans tearing at the seams of the knee and thigh as I slowly lost feeling in my bottom half, walking back in doing a little dance I smiled an innocent smile, it dripping with sarcasm. "Glad to see you'll be joining us Ms.Ashe." I grinned pinching my eyes closed at the tightness the 'smile' had. "Yes, It is a pleasure isn't it?"I sighed attempting to make it through the rest of the day.

Crap ton of hours later.
Luke's P.O.V
"A-and h-he hit me.." I mumbled sniffling rubbing at my lip and eye, "Shh, it's alright." Dexten's comforting voice echoed through my ears, ringing like a school bell. 'Just another bullying incident.'
She doesn't know what really happened.
Flash back
(AN: Please skip this part if you are sensitive to topics such as disorders, in no way am I making fun of them, Tis simply what happened in the book.okay, continue).

"Hey shit head!" I froze in place turning on my heels to look him straight in the eye. "W-what do you want." I staggered back struggling to find words. "Where's that anorexic, mental little scum you call your girlfriend." I glared at him through my thick glasses. "S-she's not my girlfriends and don't make fun of her!" I yelled gaining confidence. "Or what? I just tell her the things that "voice" in her head doesn't." By now I could feel the tears on my face. "In fact, it's probably gotten a head start and is already directing her to the pills and blade." I shuddered at the thought of finding new scars on her. "Y-you're lying." I sobbed flailing slightly. "Nope, she should die anyways. She's no good, She's about as pretty as a piece of trash, huh funny because she is trash." I lost it. With the tears still blurring my vision I lulled my numb arm back and swung. Straight in the jaw I got him.
I really got him! I started cheering to myself before a throbbing pain appeared on my eye, then my lip. I groaned in pain watching through my still teary eyes. He spit in my face walking away. "Have fun looking for Dexten's body" I heard him grumble. I sobbed again running out of that retched place and go find Dex. When I got to the house I smelled the smoke of her cigarette.
End of flashback.
Wincing when I remembered the sickening though that we're clawing at the back if my throat, begging and screaming to let me explain it all. But they only came out as whimpers and "ows" and reflexes when Dexten dabbed the rubbing alcohol acrossed my butchered face.

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