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"Luke you idiot!" I shrieked as as flung some of the hair dye on my cheek. "I'm sorry! This stuff is harder than it looks!" I laughed slightly before taking the container from him and setting it on the counter. Squeezing Conditioner in the glob of greenish hair dye (Picture In multi media) Sighing I started mixing it to the shade I desired before covering my head with the dye..

2 Hours Later

Sighing softly as I washed the dye out of my hair and blow dried it, I squeaked happily texting my friend Lokia.
Dex: I DID IT!!!!!

After that she never replied. SCREW YOU LOKIA. I thought before standing up. Dialing Luke's number I listened to the annoying back ring as it dialed his number. Waiting, the third or fourth ring be finally picked the phone up. "yeah?.."

"Can you come over?"


Oh yeah I forgot. He left.

"Oh yeah. I finished my hair."

"Yay! I'll come over for sure."

I squealed slightly. I missed the doofus. About 15 minutes later Luke ran inside and leaped onto the bed.

"Oh my." Were his first words, he bit at his lip and I blushed looking down at my feet. "Do you like it?.."
Luke's P.O.V

I got a call not even an hour after I left from Dex wanting me to come over again. Obviously agreeing I got over there pretty quick, not bothering to knock I ran inside and up the steps to her room and into the bathroom, she was in a big hoodie with small shorts that could be taken for underwear if you ask me. Biting my lip I pushed my glasses up. She blushed and looked down, "do you like it?..." She asked, her pale cheeks tinting and her feet shuffling around on the floor. I nodded and grinned before picking her up. "Luke what the hell?!" she squealed flailing her feet. "What?" I asked laughing. "put me down!" Giggling as she finally stopped moving and just held onto me like a baby koala...

Dexten's P.O.V

"Can you put me down now?" I asked holding onto his neck, my legs wrapped around his waist. Luke may be a nerd but he was strong and had fun just like everybody else only a lot less partying, and drinking, and getting laid.

I was snapped out of my thoughts when my feel hit the soft carpet of the floor. "thank you." I mumbled giggling slightly. "Mhm." He nodded seeming slightly embarrassed. "What's wrong?" I asked stepping forward." His eyes traveled down, I coughed slightly following his eyes to see that my shorts had slipped down past my hips a little and you could now see my underwear. "oh, oops." I mumbled before pulling them back up and pulling my hoodie down.

Luke's P.O.V...... Again.

I had finally put her down and noticed her 'shorts' got pushed down from her flailing and me trying to avoid getting kicked or punched in the face. I didn't really pay attention to what she said til she stepped forward. "what's wrong?" She asked and my eyes probably widened as I moved them down her small body and stopping at her shorts. She coughed slightly before looking down and blushing, pullin them up she mumbled an "Oh, oops" before pulling her hoodie down too. After a few minutes of awkward silence she piped up."Movie night?" I grinned looking up. "Hell yeah movie night!" She hopped up onto my back as I tumbled down the steps before setting her on the couch. "Didn't we just have a movie night?" I asked just realizing it. "Oh whatever!" She squealed turning on mean girls. Shrieking and waddled forward holding the hot beverages I made in my hands. Quickly setting them down I grimaced and Dexten frowned "Y'alright?" She asked bringing my hands to her lips. I shuddered slightly and sat down. "Yeah. Just small blisters." Mumbling she nodded and sprawled out on the couch, her legs set a crossed my lap. I smiled slightly watching her face light up whenever Damian said something funny. "That's why her hair is so big, it's full of secrets.." She whispered giggling loudly. I smiled again at the melodic sound that filled my ears.

Shit ton of hours later

I groaned loudly flailing my arms at the annoying sound of Dexten's alarm clock. "Shut it up please." She whined burying her face into the couch.. Wait no, pillow. Wait





What the hell were we doin in the bed. Oh well not too worried, I just wanna shut the damn beeping off, when my hand didn't tap the right button I just yanked the cord out of the wall smiling in content when it finally stopped. Closing my eyes again I fell asleep.

Dexten's P.O.V

Sighing loudly I opened my eyes and stretched my stiff muscles. Sighing heavily I rolled over and hit something warm and hard. Peeking my eyes open I saw what I hit. 'oh,Luke.' I didn't think much of it as I stood up. Nearly ten things cracking I groaned and slowly walked out of the room and headed down the steps to make pasta. While it was cooking I went

upstairs to wake Luke up because he was probably starving. Silently padding into the room I jumped onto the bed and shouted at him to wake the hell up. "LUUUUUUUKE GET YOUR LAZY ASS UP" He groaned loudly before smacking me on the stomach. "Owwww that hurt you asshole." Luke's eyes shot open and he gasped pullin me down on top of him "DEXTEN IM SO SORRY PLEASE FORGIVE ME PLEASE I LOVE YOU IM SORRY" I laughed as likes over dramatic apology rang through the small flat. "Dude calm your man tits. I just wanted you up because I'm making pasta" Face palming he pushed me off him and stood up. His hair was disheveled and his shirt was wrinkled. He looked adorable. Feeling around the nightstand he grabbed his glasses and put them on. I grinned a little pulling him out of the room and down the stairs. The pasta had boiled over and the stove was make a hissing noise. "I'm gonna slow clap this out." He said sarcastically with slow claps. "Shut up you tree." He chuckled and I huffed as I poured the pasta into the strainer and making us both a bowl. "Thank you Dex." I nodded slightly sitting down and eating the surprisingly good food.

2 days later

I sighed slightly as I walked into the gates of hell. "Hey Dex!" I turned around and looked before I saw Tylie running down the halls in my direction. "Hey Ty!" I jogged up to her and gave her a look. "What?" She asked. "How're you and JC?" I said being nosy.She blushed a little and I grinned. "You two love birds!" I chuckled slightly and she laughed. "I wouldn't be talking what about you and Luke over there!" She shouted. "SH! And noodle boy? Duh he's adorable." I nodded before the warning bell rang. "Oh hell I gotta go. I'll see you at lunch."

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