Chpt 54: Find Luigi

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In every cell, you're bound to find a couple rats scurrying around in the dark. Sounds of pyres burning and prisoners in their cells, either snoozing or awake, lost in thought. However, on this one night, in the dungeons below, the only thing that could be heard was the muffled groans of a man trying to escape. Despite his restraints, with all his might, Mikael tried desperately to escape captivity.

He tried to wriggle his wrists out of the cuffs. His while body trembled, either in fear or excitement. Probably both. The amount of sweat he had, his flushed cheeks. More than ten minutes after Bowsette had left him on his own, the whole time he had waited patiently, wondering when the next one would come, who was going to give him hell. He had hoped that the guy who was supposed to be watching over him wasn't lurking anywhere nearby in the shadows, seeing him squirm like a rat in trap. The idea both scared and infuriated him that he was in such a troublesome situation. But it was enough to fuel him to push forward.

After some time, he stopped to catch his breath. He could feel the exhaustion creeping up on him, but it was nothing compared to the to the feeling of his heart suddenly beating against his chest like a hammer, a thirst so strong that it felt like he was practically dying for a sip of water. But he didn't have time to stop and rest. The time that he had now was all that he was going to get, and he was using it to think of another way to escape. Under the pressure, his mind raced from one bad scenario to another, that he started to doubt whether there was a way to escape.

It didn't take him long to snap himself out of his negative outlook on the situation, preferring rather to keep on trying. After calming himself, he closed his eyes, wrapping his thumb under his fingers, he put as much pressure as he could on his thumb until he had felt something pop, followed by a series. There was a bit of pain but not so agonizing that he had to stop and regain his composure. Quickly, with whatever energy he was able to muster in that moment, he struggled to get his right hand free now with the base of his thumb out of place. Eyes tightly shut, pulling as hard as he could, until about an inch of his hand started to slip through. It helped that he had really sweaty hands from trying so hard earlier. Then slowly, the rest started to follow, until finally, his hand was able to slip through.

Let this be the last time that I have to do this shit!

He took a quick look at his thumb and decided that he'd make it. Without wasting any time, he got to unlocking the other cuffs, until he was able to get both his hands free and in no time, managed to free his legs. He launched himself off that chair and ran as fast as he could out of there. He stumbled along the way, mostly because his legs felt numb. But at least he could move and that was good enough for him. He didn't bother grabbing the torch and just decided to go by what he saw with his eyes.

Unfortunate for him, the deeper he went, the darker the corridor got. He ran alongside the wall, his hand gently against the concrete, every couple time, his hands would smack against the bars of other cells and he would pull back, avoiding the pain. Fortunately, it seemed to be a one-way route. The whole while he thought about getting upstairs to where Luigi was, otherwise he couldn't leave. Just when he thought he'd keep on running; he slipped on and fell onto the stairs leading out of the dungeon.

He gritted his teeth, trying his hardest to muffle his screams. He curled his body, rubbing his nose, only to discover that it was bleeding. He put pressure on his nose, trying to stop the throbbing pain in his noise. My Luck! he thought.

He slowly got back up and walked up the stairs. It took a while, but after a couple seconds, he saw light at the top, shining through the edges of the door. Once he made it, he stopped just on the last couple of stairs. He didn't want to just rush through without knowing what was on the other side. Slowly, he tried getting his breathing under control and knelt to the ground where he could peep through the underside of the door. After some seconds had passed, he didn't see any movement. He waited an extra three minutes before he decided that no one was going to be walking by for now.

He stood straight up, hands firmly on the door, and one last wish for good luck, he slowly pushed the door open. He wasn't ready for the light that came flooding through. He blinked a couple times, trying to adjust his eyes. To his luck, there wasn't a single Koopa walking around. There were two ways to go from where he was. Down one corridor, he could hear a little bit of noise, immediately opting to take the other route with no noise whatsoever. He closed the door behind him, and quickly carried on.

Now that he was back up above, he was going to try and find Luigi, hoping that she hadn't spoken to him as yet. Thinking back to what Bowsette had said earlier, Luigi would be in some medical ward not too far from the floor he was on. There was no way he was going to find a map to this place, and opening up every door that was here would've most definitely have been asking for trouble. While walking up the corridor, along the way, door opened slightly, voices could be heard loud and clear,

With no way of hiding, he ran inside the closest door and shut it as quietly as he could. Then it dawned on him. He did a look at everything behind him, and thank his lucky stars, there was no one in that room. He listened patiently for the voices he heard. They were muffled but he could hear a few words being exchanged, nothing worthwhile. He waited until he was sure no one else was around, and got out of that room. He hoped that he wouldn't be running into anymore situations like that one.

He had been moving pretty fast for roughly five minutes, and after all that time, he finally saw something other than wooden doors. A large opening that lead somewhere. He peered his head just far enough to get a good look at what's inside. Didn't look like much, but it had a lot of beds with white drapes over them. Staying close to the ground, he made his way across the room. All the beds, so far, were empty. Then came the snoring.

Mikael nearly tripped and fell over. He picked his head just enough to scope out where the noises were coming from. Not too far off, he could see, what he believed, to be the bed from where the snoring was coming from. Curtains blocked his vision and there was no lighting available. He thought about going over and seeing who it is, but then he wasn't too sure about risking it. Then he heard footsteps approaching, and quickly ducked for cover under one of the beds. The blankets were long enough that they also covered the bottom. He was able to fit ad slid them just enough to over him. Soon after, he could hear the voices of two Koopa talking. It didn't sound like they were stepping inside, maybe just passing by.

"you can hear that noise to can't you right?', one of the Koopa asked.

"Coming from inside"

Don't come in here!

He kept repeating those words over and over in his head hoping they would come true, but that wasn't going to happen. He could hear them walking by. The sound of their large feat thumping. He held his breath and he saw their shadow go past and stop just a couple feet away from him. He heard the drapes fly open and a soft chuckle between the two.

"It's just this lazy bum trying to catch some sleep I here"

"Can't blame him, since the boss has been making us work almost nonstop"

The next couple seconds they had spent laughing and trying to wake up their fellow kin, but he was too deep in his sleep to be woken up so easily.

"let's just get out of here, we still have one more place to patrol"

"After we check out one more please, we'll head over to the medical bay one last time"

"And then we'll call it a feet need a break"

That's when they started to walkout and continue with their duties, but not too far behind, Mikael was tailing them. Finally, someone to show him the way, and no worries on getting lost. Only that he mustn't get caught before he finishes up what he needs to do once he gets to Luigi.

Hopefully I get there before they notice I'm gone....

To be continued...

Next chapter: 22/04/2020

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