Chpt 48 : Obstacles

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An hour Earlier...

Overlooking the environment from her balcony, the rays of a setting sun, the chill, gentle wind brushing up against her body, no matter how many times she's watched it, she never got over how mesmerizing it was, one of the simpler things in life that she always indulged in whenever she got the chance. It always helped to calm the nerves, something Bowsette needed to help her escape from whatever troubles she had to deal with in the past, to ease her worries. If there's one thing that she wanted to keep in her life out of everything that she had, it was that one tranquil experience that the afternoon had always brought to her every now and then.

She really appreciated sombre moments like this, especially now that Bowser Jr was back home. Of course, in the back of her mind, these peaceful times weren't going to last for long, but she wasn't just going to stand by and let it get taken away. For the crime she's committed against Princess Peach, there was no doubt that sooner or later the princess would come knocking to get her stuff back. The worst-case scenario would be that she comes, with an army, to tear down her walls and wreak havoc on their home. It was scenario that Bowsette was prepared to accept, but she couldn't help but wonder how he was managing. Annoyed on the flow her thoughts drifted off to, she took a deep breath before releasing a long sigh.

What's the point anyway, she thought. What's done is done.

She took one last look of the sun before going back into the castle. She wanted to savour the moment a little more, but her moods been spoiled. She was about to eave the balcony, when at the last minute she decided to give the sunset one last look for the day.

Maybe tomorrow...

After leaving the Balcony, she walked down a flight of stairs, towards a doorway. She stepped into one of the castles corridors and carried on. While following the path in front of her, she could hear a shuffling noise not too far away. Curious, she marched forward, trying to trace where the noise was coming from. After a while, she recognized the corridor she was in.

Again, another scuffle nearby. By then, it had already clicked in her head who, besides her, was up here. The only person who would've be up here. She became a little anxious, walking with a lot more speed in her steps until she reached his room.

Once she finally reached the place where the sound was coming from, without a second thought, she kicked the door on its handle and forced her way in. Once inside, she saw Bowser Jr crawling on the floor, his crutches lying beside him. Quickly, she ran to his side, and helped him up, "What the hell do you think you're doing on the floor like that!?", she said, anger in her voice.

Bowser Jr groaned, all the while being escorted to his bed, "I was just trying to go for a walk on my own, I'm getting bored sitting in this room all day long"

She snapped back at him, "you're in this room because you went and got yourself involved in something that wasn't any of your business!"

He focused his attention to the ground, the shame washing over him, "I already said I was sorry about that, can't you let that slide already?"

He looked at her pleadingly, but Bowsette wasn't having any of it, "I don't think you understand the situation...if we hadn't saved your pale green ass from who knows what, you could've landed yourself in some serious trouble"

"That's not true, and besides Peach wouldn't have-"

"You don't know what she would've done to you!"

How clueless could he be? she thought.

She continued to berate him, "Had we not known that you were prancing around the Mushroom kingdom and we left without you, there's no telling what would've happened to you"

Bowser Jr didn't say a word, choosing to keep his mouth shut rather than incur her fury.

Once she helped him get back in bed, leaving his crutches lying on the end table by his bed, she began to walk out of his room, without a word. But before she could disappear, he called out to her. She stopped half-way, her back towards him. She glanced over her shoulder to get a good look at him, "What is it?", she said, obviously annoyed.

He was embarrassed. He knew what he did was wrong, and that he could've risked their whole mission by going in on his own. Looking at his injured leg, he felt ashamed. He couldn't even look her in the face, but nonetheless, he tried to tell her what he wanted to say, "I...I just wanted to say that I'm sorry okay, sorry about the trouble that I..."

He struggled to say anymore, shyly squirming in his bed. Bowsette just looked at him, waiting for him to finish what he had to say. After five seconds of silence she gave up, and with a long sigh, continued her walk out the room, but not before leaving him with a few words, "Just stay in bed...", she said, "I'll have someone bring you supper, so stay put for now"


After closing the door behind her, she walked off down the corridor. Bowser Jr tried lying back down in his bed, his thoughts still hovering on what she lectured him about. He didn't like it. He wished that the situation hadn't turned out the way it did, then he wouldn't be such a burden right now. He looked at the crutches lying beside him, a reminder of his mistake.

He sighed, "This sucks"

While he was busy sulking in his room, half way down a flight of stairs, Bowsette was contemplating her conversation with the little one, hoping that what she said had gotten through his thick head. But more importantly, she worried for his safety and well-being. Bad things were coming and the last thing she ever wanted to see, was him getting caught in her mess. Whatever may come their way, she would make sure that he's safe from any that would dare try to harm him.


The present...

"Revenge? Are you serious?"

Mikael didn't say anything; his silence was all that he needed to make his point. Luigi understood and said nothing afterwards. Awkwardly munching on the last pieces of meat that remained on the bone, he sat there thinking to himself about the chaos that was going to ensue between these bandits and the koopa. He didn't want to get caught up in whatever hell was about to coming rain down on this land, but at the same time, he needed Bowsette alive to help him clear Mario's name.

The two of them hadn't said anything for a while until both of them were finished with their meat. Mikael got up and dusted himself off, "time to call it a night, we need to be up and early tomorrow"

"Okay...", Luigi followed and went over to his tent. Despite how uneasy he felt sleeping in the dessert, he managed to fall asleep that night. When he got up again sometime in the early hours of the morning, it was still dark. He wasn't sure what the exact time was, nor did he have a watch with him to tell. He enjoyed his rest and felt that he didn't need anymore sleep, just laying there for an hour, waiting for Mikael to come knocking on his tent so they could head out. This was the only time Luigi was going to have to relax a little. Not having to worry about a single thing. He wished he was back in his bed instead of here, but with the way his life was going, he wasn't just going to sit back and wait.


Even now, he had to keep on moving if he ever wanted to see an end to this mess, but just for now. He rubbed his face with both hands, eyes shut tight, stretching his body as much as he could to get his body up and running, getting ready for what challenges the new day would bring.

Lets-a go

To be continued...

Next Chapter: 22/10/2019

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