chapter 1

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Castle black

Humans and animals, they are all the same. Seeking power, upon power and power. Wanting more than they can have. Hands taking and growing themselves. Creating an unhealthy hirachy amongst themselves.

They say its power craze, but its in the blood of a few. Once they taste something that soothe them, makes them feel above all others they want more and they would do anything, absolutely Anything to remain in power, even if its to take a soul. Even if it's to hurt a Nation and sometimes.... Even if it's to destroy the world

Amaya looked down at her increasing tummy humming a tune, rubbing it gently. She continued to hum as she picked up a pair of scissors, she kept humming as she stabbed herself in her belly. Groaning "hush hush, it'll all be alright." She whispered while rubbing her tummy.

Some maids rushed in, "Luna! Luna!" They called in their white and black attire rushing over to her.

Amaya was rushed out of her enormous room. Castle black, was built a couple of centuries ago, with the darkest stones and embedded in its walls were ores they said were dug up from the depths of hell.

Red ruby and saphire hung from the old chandelier in the throne room. The king sat on his throne, his black hair silk and falling to his back, his eyes were a gold colour and he blinked back from the sudden opening of the door, he snapped out of his thoughts.

He looked up, thick lashes eyeing the servent who just walked in.

"Alpha, she's in labour" the maid said bowing slightly making the kings eyes light up.

He sprung up from his chair his cloak made of the finest bear fur as he walked in excitement.

"A-alpha you can't go in" the maid stammered.

"Why so?" He asked pouting like a child.

"L-Luna. She-" the maid was trying to collect her words when the king growled.

"What's wrong with my heart?" he asked.

The maid looked down and the kings eyes widened in horror. He pushed open the double doors into the Labour room, screams of his wife filling his ears and the scent of her blood blinded his senses, he ignorned all the nurses telling him to leave and stood, taking his wives hands in his as he squatted to her level.

"My heart" he began and she smiled weakly at him, a knife wound in her stomach caught his eye. "Who did this to you?" He asked and all the maids shook in fear, some witches ignored his dominating voice as they attended to the queen.

The queen shook her head sobbing. "She did it to herself" Eiko said coming out of the shadows.

She was the gamma of the pack. Her blonde hair seemed to look bleak and her red eyes showed off the fact that she was a vampire who didn't care if the king beheaded her for lusting over his wife's blood.

"Excuse me?" The king asked confused.

"Apparently she didn't want to have the child" Eiko said with a shrug. The Luna was fast asleep and the cry of a baby filled the air as Eiko responded to the kings unasked question.


The air was filled with subtle wind and the baby didn't even make a sound after her first cry. Not a single sound.


Amaya looked at the baby in her arms. Hatred was the only feeling she felt towards this kid in her arms. This baby sleeping soundly. The baby she wished she never birthed.

The king sat in his room, head in hand. He had remembered when his Luna had first jokingly asked him "can i kill this child if I want to?" They were in the garden, resting under the shades of a beautiful small open hut.

"No you can't my heart" he had said playing with her silky brown hair.

"But its mine. I can do what I want with it" she poured and he laughed.

He had laughed it off. If only he had taken it seriously.

He sighed as a knock came to the doors of his chamber.

"Come in Isao" he spoke as his beta walked in,

"Congratulations man! It's a girl!" Isao said with a smirk. "You already have two sons, no need to worry about an alpha and plus, we can seal the deal with another pack by offering your daughter as a Luna to them" Isao said in his usual careless tone. Sometimes the Alpha wondered why he kept this fool as his beta.

"Firstly, I'm not selling my daughter. Secondly, why are you here?" Alpha Ezume spoke looking at his beta.

Isao walked further into the room, squatting in front of his best friend and Alpha as he spoke, "we have to finalize the deal."

Emuze nodded his head giving the go ahead.

The Alpha stood up from his bed. He had to after all think of a name for his new child.

He took a stroll around his castle admiring the beauty that castle black held.

The castle belonged to the biggest pack in the whole of Japan that it was even considered a town of its own. In the territory of the hell pack, there were little buildings and smaller mansions around it. It was actually like a kingdom on its own, with humans, lycans, wolves, vampires, ethernals, children, witches, faes, woodlings and many others stayed.

It had one of the stronger holds with creatures of deferment kind and it really was beautiful.

Castle black towered over all of the town's infrastructure holding the major things a castle would.

The garden surrounding castle black was beautiful. It could easily put the mind at ease and it was thanks to their Faes and ethernals who were in charge of nature.

Little sprite fairies played around the garden, giving it even more beauty.

"Father" he heard his oldest son call out to he fell in steps with his alpha and father.

"Is it true I have a sister now father?" The 12 year old asked eagerly and his father smiled at him.

"It appears so" his father said with a grin.

"I'd protect her with my life father. I'd love and cherish her." The boy who was a striking resemblance of his father said proudly as he walked.

He was in a red outfit suited for a Prince.

"One day, you'd cherish your Luna like that" the alpha said to his son.

"On that day all of this would be mine right father?" The boy asked his eyes lighting up and pointing at the environment.

"Yes son. For it is your right as the first born" the Alpha said slowly.

"It can't be taken away right? Not by anyone right?" His son asked eagerly

"Not by even the sea serpents" the Alpha spoke like it was an oath.

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