2: Yeonjun

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Ha. Yay. Another year of his life.

Yeonjun woke up, already knowing that he was a year older. Soulmate day. A girl to get. Or possibly a boy. He doubted it would be a boy. He did have a crush on a boy, but it didn't really matter. He sat up in bed,knowing he was going to be late if he didn't start moving. He decided he might change a bit today, and get to school early.

     After changing from his blue fox pjs into his uniform, he went downstairs to eat something for breakfast. His parents had already left for work, and didn't come back from the computer software making place until really late at night. Yeonjun just decided to eat some cereal and an orange for breakfast. Simple. 

After eating, he finally headed out the front door and started walking to his school, which was a good nine minutes from his home. Arriving at his school, he headed toward one of his friends, Beomgyu. Beomgyu was Yeonjun's childhood friend, since they had known eachother for basically their entire lives.

"Hey." Beomgyu greeted Yeonjun.

"Congrats on your 18th. Here." Beomgyu said, handing Yeonjun an amount of won equivalent to 30 dollars. "Thanks." He said, giving him a bro hug and grinning.

"Today is your soulmate finding day, ya really think you'll get him?" Beomgyu asked, staring at someone past Yeonjun.  He followed his gaze to see him. It was Choi Soobin, sitting alone on the floor in a corner. Basically the world's cutest guy. Even just seeing him from afar made Yeonjun's heart flutter and do an extreme choreography.  Looking back at Beomgyu, with a tint of pink in his cheeks, he stayed silent.

Beomgyu started giggling. The pink in the older's cheeks grew a million times darker. "Be quiet!" Yeonjun said.

Beomgyu finally stopped giggling but was then distracted by some girl and started a conversation with her.

That did bring Yeonjun to his senses. What if he was his soulmate? How would they find each other? How would his parents react? HOW WOULD HE EXPLAIN IT TO-

"Hey." said a soft voice. Yeonjun nearly jumped out of his skin. Turning around, he saw Soobin.

                  tHE CHOI SOoBIN. 

A/N: hehehe whats going to happen next? OwO

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