Yeonjun: 11

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Trigger warning: It does include some abuse, so if you feel uncomfortable, please do not read this chapter, but go on to the next one, it will have a less detailed summary of this chapter here, without the abuse ..

2 weeks later...

Saturday, 8:45

Yeonjun woke up to his parents yelling his name. Why weren't they at work? They also sounded quite mad. Yeonjun groaned and swung himself out of his bed. He walked down the stairs and into the living room, where he was met by his parent's sharp gazes. "What?" he asked, dumbfounded. "WHAT DO YOU MEAN WHAT?! YOU *very mean words :(* !!" His father yelled. Yeonjun was a sensitive boy, and started to cry when he heard the very first curse word his dad called him. By the end his father stopped, he was sobbing his heart out. He didn't know why he was mad. His heart was just confused.

"Why are you mad, what did I do wrong?" Yeonjun said quietly, with a frown on his face. "Why do you *bad word* date boys? You think we expect that from you?!" he yelled. Yeonjun's eyes went wide, how did they find out? He didn't mean to keep it a secret, but also didn't plan to tell them until 2 months or so! Then his dad did what Yeonjun thought he would never do. Yeonjun blinked and felt a burning sting on his right cheek. "Why..." Yeonjun whispered. He looked at his mother for support, but she was also glaring daggers at him. "You mistake." she growled in a very mad voice.

That sentence hurt the most. Yeonjun never thought that his mom would call him something like that. "You know what? If you don't *bad word* want me here, I'll leave." Yeonjun shouted, and stormed up to his room to pack a backpack. He slammed and locked his door quickly, not wanting to be bothered at all by his so-called parents. He packed clothes to last him a while, his toothbrush, and other things he might need at the place where he was going. He sighed and looked at his bedroom for the last time. He finally unlocked the door and rushed to the entrance. "Well, goodbye, you disgusting dirt bags!" he yelled in a happy voice, probably loud enough for his parents and the entire neighborhood to hear him.

A/N: Yeah, um- r.i.p. hope yall enjoyed this chapter, some angst in this one. leave your feedback here! and follow me if u want lol.

P.S: I have another Yeonbin book! [doot doot!] Its called UnLikely! Go check it out if you want!

Hope you are doing well!

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