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Hi lovelies! This is my first BL(Boy Love) If there is anything you'd like to say about it, feel free to, if you can't handle BL or don't like them, then I don't know what you're doing here. You can try it out if you'd like, but don't be malicious and judgemental because of your personal feelings or because you don't like something. That there is what I think Scott looks like. That Night Returns, enjoy!

If you wouldn't mind please vote and comment, thank you!!!

That night, was the worst and most horrible time and memory of my life. I was only nine. That left a traumatic scar.


That's exactly what you did. You called out my name, just so I could watch as you stabbed my mother's-


I snapped up from my combination chair in class. I was thinking way too hard. It was lunch time already, and now I'm sure I missed the entire lesson Ms. Trevor was trying to teach, awesome.

My dark brown hair clouded my vision. Someone came infront of my hair, standing there, I wonder who it is?

The person bent down to look through my brown strands and it was Zane, my only, true, best friend.

"Hey, you ok dude?"

His voice, so husky and masculine, unlike mine, I have the vocal chords of a whiny anime guy.
His face. I missed him chiseled face, the soft chestnut brown hair. Mysterious grey eyes, even if I saw it an hour ago at break, I still missed it.  He sits way in the front, second row, while I cower away in the back.


I love it when he drags out my name, but I better answer before he gets weirded out from my facial expression.

"Yea, don't worry bout me, I'm alright, I was just thinking way too hard is all"

"What you do best, think way too hard. You ready for lunch?! I brought sandwiches and chicken fried rice!"

"That sounds delicious, but I have to go to the cafeteria, I didn't bring lunch. Didn't want grandma exerting herself"

"Ohhhhhh no you're not. You're eating with me! Why do you think I brought all this food?! It's for the both of us"

"You're such an amazing best friend. I suck. I'm glad friends don't have price tags, I wouldn't be able to afford the one, true one I have"

"Awww you meant me! Scott you are a wonderful best friend, if you weren't I wouldn't have chose you"

He rest his hand on my shoulder....his strong muscular hand......the things he probably does to women with those.......the things he could probably do to me.....what am I thinking!....NO!.....I don't swing that way.....I mean, I have looked at guys that way so maybe, just maybe I do, but not my best friend, I forbid it!

When we arrived in the cafeteria, he scoured the palace for somewhere to sit. It was oddly packed, guess the food here tasted good today.

He found a space for us, though not without company.

"Hey, um, you mind if we sit here?"

His shyness is so cute....nothing was wrong with that thought.....I just thought it was cute......yea...

"Not a problem at all!" Even the random girl's vocal chords were better than mine, even if it was higher, still better.....I really have to work on my self-esteem.


It was so awkward and silent. This group of 3 friends were chatting away until we came. So I had to interject this.

That Night ReturnsWhere stories live. Discover now