Page 8 - Tuesday

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That up there is Meghan! Ain't she pretty?! I like that look!

Zane's View Point

I loved sleeping over with Scott. I felt so comfortable and....not alone.

He is my comfort. There is no other person I would want for a best friend.

My sleep was so deep and peaceful.

I think I was dreaming too.

I was on the shore far off from land on an island. Boxers was all I had on, the wind blew sweetly on my skin, the sun strangely warmed my insides.

My feet moved on its own and took me to the middle of the island.

I felt a hand rub my chest, I don't know if I was dreaming or if Scott was tossing and turning again.

But that hand felt good. In my dream, it was moving. The hand caressed my chest. I could feel my nipples getting hard.

Aroused. Aroused. Aroused. That's all I felt.

Then the hand slowly made its way down my abs and God, that felt so good.

Next thing I knew I was standing on the island and the hand was above my dick.

Whether this was a dream or not I didn't want it to stop. I wanted more. More. More!

A moan escaped my lips. This hand had such a gentle and arousing touch. It just made me wanna fuck whoever this hand belonged too, but I knew it was a dream.

My dick got so hard. My body was so hot. The feeling this hand gave me was so special, it caressed me like a fragile object. The fingers just lightly traced my length.

Oh fuuuuuuuuccccccckkkkkk, this is awesome......then it was gone. My dick was gone! It just.... vanished....and the worst part...

That hand moved away. The sun went out, the clouds turned dark, that sweet - felt wind was now scratchy, annoying, and loud.

I closed my eyes to gain some concentration, but when I open them I was in the ocean surrounded by sea monsters of different kinds.

My sweet, gentle dream. Now an unbearable, frightening nightmare.


Morning came. The nightmare was finally over. Scott was not by my side. I wanted to hug him so bad right now. I didn't know why exactly...but I just did.

So I went to downstairs and their he was, making breakfast shirtless.

I switch him around by surprise and hugged him so tight.

I didn't care if we were both shirtless guys hugging. It didn't matter to me and I'm sure it didn't matter to him.

(Scott) Oh Yes lord yes!

He just hugged me back naturally. I loved hugging him. I felt like he was safe, like I could protect him. Not to mention he was so comforting and small to hug.

When I separated from him I told him good morning with a smile. I don't know why but he gave me a shy smile a shy good morning and walked off.

Being here. Waking up in the presence of Scott was all I needed to feel better. I didn't want to go home. I just wanted one night away from what was happening.

We had plantain with eggs and sasuage for breakfast, it was really good. Scott can find his way around any kitchen. His food is always so good.

He lives with a grandmother with a passion for cooking so I guess it's expected.

We couldn't stay long for we still had school to attend. Which meant I had to see Clare.

There goes my happy morning.

While packing my bag, Scott asked me the weirdest questions out of all the weird questions he has asked me before.

"Hey, when you were sleeping....did you well....feel....anyway....?"

"What, do you mean?"

"Well....did you aroused?"

Oh God, please tell me I didn't make a tent in the sheets!!!

"Um, be honest.....I did....I had a dream. There was this hand that.....rubbed my chest and there. My feet led me to the center of an island and that's when the hand appeared. It felt so damn good though. I couldn't resist. I just let the hand do whatever it wanted. It even....felt my dick....and Waw.....that was some good feels. If that hand was a person, I'd totally ravish them like a horny dog. Fuck them all through that dream. The worst thing that happened though was....when the hand..... disappeared....I was enjoying that dream a lot. I think it was the best I ever had. Even if it was sexual...did I do anything weird last night?"

I really hope I didn't.

"Oh you didn't. I mean you moaned but it wasn't weird"

"Oh ok, if you say so....let's go"


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