Page 5 - Sunday Afternoon

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hello there!

....echo....anyway that there is Arthur.

Zane's View Point

I loved celebrating his birthday.

It makes me happy every year, to see that wonderful smile on this face.

Previous birthdays have never been the ideal thing every since his eighth.

The Friday night of his eighth birthday, his father murdered his mother, and with the mother dead, so was Scott's could have been future sister.

It was the worse things that could happen to him. He was traumatized by the blood. The fear of not having a mother anymore hit him hard, and he was only 8.

Still just a bit of a naïve boy with an active imagination, that didn't know yet about the cruelty of this world we live in.

I came and saw him surrounded by blood as he knelt next to his mother. Her heart was oozing so much of it like a pipe.

The police took his father away. Locked him up in prison. When I sat next to him in the blood red surroundings, I hugged him so tight as though he would disappear if I let him go.

When I did, he cried harder and louder. His shoulders were shaking so much. His sniffles were deep.

I hated that man so much. He caused my best friend so much fucking pain. I'd love to return the favour and kill him.

As he was being dragged away, he shouted, "She's dead..... you're next!"

His reason for doing such an injudicious act was
So fucking stupid.

Just because Scott told his mother he like someone...a guy....he over heard this and him being the psycho aggressive ass already didn't take it well.

He didn't take it so well 2 days after he told his mom, that's when he decided to murderer her.

He always thought it was her fault, his son was bisexual. Or whatever his sexual orientation is. He never talked to me about, and when I do, he...tries to change the topic, or just doesn't answer me.

I knew Scott was bisexual for years. I figured it out at 11 years old.

Their was this boy in a different class down the hall of our primary school. Scott would always, literally everyday, go to see him.

He would act shy, and his face would pop a bit red. He would twiddle with his fingers and basically do all the things someone that likes someone else does.

I never once judged him though. I love him so fucking much just the way he is. It's actually fun having a bisexual bestie.

My thoughts were interrupted by the pastor telling us all to stand to say a word of pray. To end off the day of church.

Scott sat a row down from me. Today was so packed, we couldn't sit together this time.

He looked so good in his church clothes. He looks good all the time.

During his days, he always stares off into the distance as though something ominous was going to happen.

He thinks WAY TOO HARD. Most of the time he looks sad, or dead inside, maybe even puzzled. Trying to answer himself something he can't find the answer too. Whatever it is, I hope he finds it, then tells me.

I went by his place to hang out. Kill some time, just wait for that Monday to come in a few hours.

With our time, we took care of Flynn, the stray, or.....sort of stray.

He had a name tag on, which means he probably belonged to someone.

But we were gonna keep him til further notice.

Bathing him was the hardest and funniest.

He wouldn't stop moving. His excitement toppled over the buckets of soap and water so many times.

But the funniest bit was when he shaked off the water. As he was shaking his body Scott was off guard.

He was so surprised by the water that came flying on him that he stumbled back, fell in the bucket of water and got stuck there!

He looked like a cute little turtle on his back!

Instead of helping him, I laughed hysterically. Isn't that what we best friends do...laugh then help? It was hilarious. I eventually helped him.......not without taking a picture on my phone though! He looked so adorable. He is adorable.

When he got out he was kinda mad at me, but I know he was playing. I was staring at him, then when he stared in my direction, he gave me one one of his big signature smiles.

This guy.

My best friend.

My Scott.

Sometimes I feel this overwhelming feeling of gratitude that the universe decided to let us cross path....15 years ago. When we were 4.

I wouldn't let go of Scott for anything. His friendship is the most precious thing to me.

He keeps me happy. He keeps me going. It's sometimes so inspiring how he goes through all this in life and he looks happy.

I want that too. I am happy.....but that's when I'm with him. Other wise, when I'm around other people or even worse, my home, I just fake it.

No one can give me the type of joy that Scott gives one.

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