Page 3 - Saturday

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"I don't like you...I am not gay...
I don't like you...I am not gay...
I don't like you...I am not gay!..."

My screams were futile for I could only hear them from my head. As I tried to speak no words could come out.

I heard a voice...a menacing, sinister, deep voice. It sounded father....

"You. Are. A waste! You good for nothing, worthless human! You should just die! Just die! Piece of shitty garbage!"

Then came a soft, loving, caring voice. My mother.

"You are not a worthless human, I love you, I'm happy you were born. Scott, always remember that I accept you!"

Her powerful voice got lower and lower, further and further.

I closed my eyes squinting confused and scared. When I opened them I was in a room, a Library, which was weird for you won't really find me in a Library.

The roof of the library resembled a starry night sky. I walked around staring at the beauty.

Then I stepped in a red liquid, a very thick red liquid. Did I dare remove my eyes from such a quintessential sky to stare at the ground?

Yes I did.

I was totally petrified standing there surrounded by blood. A woman's silhouette peeked out from the library shelf corner.

The more she walked the more I recognized the silhouette. My mother's silhouette.

I smiled knowing she was coming my way, but just as fast as the muscles in my face took the time to smile, they took the time to frown.

Tears streamed down my face when I saw my mother with a knife directly stabbed in her heart.

The menacing voice came back. The stars in the sky group together to form a face. Some stars were the two eyes, the last few were the mouth with its jaggering teeth. It spoke to me once more.

"She's're next!"

As I began to turn around, everything went dark. The only light was between me and a mirror in front of me.

I looked at myself and I was the undead, a grotesque zombie. As though, I had already died.

Before I could scream and shatter the mirror, I heard barking outside my house, under my window.

My sweat trickled down my face. It was hot in this room.

I squinted my eyes open. My hand stuck to my forehead with my left knee in the air forming an acute angle.

The sheets ruffled away with the wave of my hand. My cold sweated feet touched the warm wooden ground lightly where a patch of sunlight was.

More sweat rolled down my chest, my abs. Until it reached the red checkered line boxers I wore and soaked through the thin fabric.

Gin baked again. I pulled the curtains to expose my face to the sun. There was Gin. His black fur, waging his tail so hard it could snap off.

"Why is he so excited?"

By my gate stood Zane. In his black training clothes, looking so hot in his early morning sweat.
He always goes for a run on a Saturday morning, except when he's sick, I know it's a bad time for him but it's a bad and good time for me.

I get to take care of him.

I know it's just lust, I don't like him. I have never liked a guy, had lust, but never liked them.

"Hey, cutie!"

Did he just call me cutie?! I mean I don't mind but wasn't expecting it, was never expecting it!


"Huh! Oh...yea be right down!"

He would usually come to my house after his run. I had wanted to go back to his house, but ever since my 17th year of living, he always made up some excuse or just didn't want me to go. I didn't ask why, I didn't pry.

Even if you are best friends with someone, you don't always wanna open up. Sometimes you just have to wait for the truth to open up itself.

It was just him and his uncle anyway. His father died when he was in the army and his mother died of cancer.

"I'm happy to see you, so early in the morning"

"Me too, where did you run this time?"

"Near the river in the forest. It was beautiful"

*You're beautiful*

"Want some breakfast?"

"You have enough?"

"Zane, you come here after your early Saturday runs all the time, we prepare for you and no it's not a burden, I love it and grandma might be old, but she adores cooking and baking"

"Oh, you knew what I was gonna say, ok"

We were in a normal silence. That kind of silence where it's not's just silence.

He got up from the chair before I finished eating. He was done already?! Then again he had more energy that me right now, everything he had more energy.

He gave his gratitude for the food and was about to leave, but what he did before he left TOTALLY surprised me. It left me utterly flabbergasted.

He gave me kiss on the cheek.

My insides, flipped up, down, left, right and all around!


"See ya later today!"

I finally got the courage to speak.

"Yea...see ya!...."

I forgot about today. Wait a second....


I'M 18!!!

I remember him saying he was talking me to the arcade tomorrow and other places, but I didn't know why.


But he remembered, when I forgot. Ironic. It was supposed to be the other way around. Not saying I want him to forget my birthday but, who forgets their own birthday?!

Oh right, me.

A jolt of excitement passed through me....but also a jolt of pain...excruciating emotional pain, but I didn't want to dwell on it.

My best friend is taking me out all day today!

I was not gonna let my past ruin this day. I was not gonna let my 8th birthday memory ruin my 18th. Not like the rest. Not this time.


I can do lots of things.....wait....that means.....that means.....

I can have sex....

Oh waw.


Those bitches better watch out. This explosive horny dog is coming for Ya!

When I jumped off out the chair, I hit my knee to the bottom of the table, shaking it vigorously, making the blue transparent vase fall and break. Then the chair fell from my excitement.

I was about to clean up but the irritating plastic table cover got attached to my sticky, sweaty foot.

When I moved so did the cover, along with the plate, utensils and orange juice in a cup on it.

Of course it had to fall. The plate got chipped and the fork bored my foot. My knee jerked up hitting the table again, giving me more pain.

I sighed loudly.

"Sweetie, you alright! Happy birthday!"

"Yea, gran thanks!"

I sighed again.

"What a damn mess to clean..."

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