Page 7 - Monday Night

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I don't know if that's a real person, well she probably is, but by some chance if any of you know her I am not Framing her personality I know nothing about her I just like her appearance to be used for Clare. Probably should have put this at the starting but anyway, the language is NOT censored. Enjoy!


"Calm down!"

"How can I?! You said she is your girlfriend?! I thought you didn't want to be with her!"

"I didn't but...I can't take her constant asking. If you can't beat em' join em' right?"


"But why are you upset, you don't like her?"

"It's not that..."

It's totally that, and other things.

"It's just.... relationships usually come between friendships, I don't want her in our best friendship"

"And she won't be. I told her I'd be with her under two conditions. 1. I forbid her to come between us. I don't want her messing with out time together, and 2...for her to stop calling me....Zaneie"

"Can I call you that?"

"Hell no"

We just laughed.


There were many reasons why I don't want them together.

1. She's not good for him.
2. She's controlling.
3. I don't like her that much.
4. She can be a silent bitch at times. As in you won't see her bitchiness because it's silent.
5. Her personality is contradicting.
6. Zane won't be happy.
7. Zane will hurt her, therefore hurting himself because he doesn't like hurting people.
8. You can't trust a face like that, with so many other guys.
9. She's pushy.
10. I KNOW FOR A FACT I'm gonna get blamed if they get into an argument.

And the list goes on......I'd rather avoid the main's not important anyway.

He stayed over at my house tonight. We put some clothes at eachother's house for when we wanted to have a sleepover. He slept here.

In my bed.

Next to me.

We were both exhausted so we went to sleep that night early. It was only 7:33, pretty early for us.

My elbow rubbed over his arm and rested there. His body heat was so satisfying. The best part was him, shirtless and pant less, he only had on boxers like me.

He was half naked next to me!

It was never awkward but I just loved it.

Sometimes, I would purposely roll around in the vast space just so my hand could touch his chest.

And my oh my, he was so plump and smooth.

Fuck. I can't get enough of him, and that scent. It rocked me awake in the night sometimes. He smelt like....a sweet lollipop with a tangy taste.....not that I know what he taste like!

Wouldn't mind either.....

His musky scene gave me a stupid face, and then an idea, a wild idea hit me.

If I could move my hand, just a bit more, I would feel his....


Oh damn!

My hand was now right above it. It was semi hard. I guess due to the freedom it had, and with my hand over it, it was getting harder!


And he has a girlfriend........ugh that sentence was disgusting.


Oh waw, he moaned.



With the boxers on it didn't stand up but......ffffffuuuuuuuuucccccccckkkkkkk, he feels so fucking good.

I have to stop.

I mustarded up all the strength I had, and pulled my hand away. I couldn't do this, not to him, not without his consent. It was wrong. I felt wrong.
I felt. Disgusted.

I can't believe I just did that.

I couldn't hold it anymore.

My tears streamed down my nose, my cheek, to my neck.

"What the fuck is wrong with me............ I'm disgusting...."

My eyes fluttered closed, until I fell asleep again.

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