Welcome to my meme book! This is all meant to be a joke i made when i was delusional and tired at 10:50 pm at night when i was like 13..... i hope you enjoy past me's humour and have some laughs! Please share it with people because i wanna spread lo...
So how are you guys enjoying it so far? Remember to comment on what you like and don't like so I can change it! And maybe even vote it or hat ever you want! I never liked it when people said SUBSCRIBE TO ME KNOW ARE I'LL GET SICK AND DIE! And I try not to do that but I do want you guys to enjoy it! So it would be nice if you guys could help me by doing stuff to help! Now on with the show! Don't die!
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I would do this for a cake cuz I'm that lazy and it would be funny! 😂
I wanna do this!
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Ok.....this is GENIUS!!!! If I had a bunk bed I would SO do this and 🤦🏼♀️ why has the world not done this yet?
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Yum! Thos look good! The fry's.....the chicken.....🍟🍗 and wow that's funny! 😂
Ok guys you NEED to go follow my good friend annikitty_! She's the meme lady and has a really good story she's wrote and she get8s me all of the memes you see here! And 9katet54 and swan_voice! They are great! And wait till tomorrow for the next chapter and you guys need to comment what I should name it! I'll choose one persons name for the chapter!