Welcome to my meme book! This is all meant to be a joke i made when i was delusional and tired at 10:50 pm at night when i was like 13..... i hope you enjoy past me's humour and have some laughs! Please share it with people because i wanna spread lo...
I've been doing some drawing....here's the thing...I'm not good at it so it looks BAD! Lol anyway hope y'all doing good in this staying home thing
Um I think I'm broke
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Ok me and my friend have the weirdest text conversations. She said something funny and that's what I said lol and do 't mind my bad spelling lol
See I'm bad at drawing lol
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Me and my friend (the same one) made these creepy Mario's and after we can see each other again we are gonna go to my fire pit and BURN them cuz they are CREEPY!
See what I mean? Not the best drawer
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It's a bee. Nothing more. Nothing less. LOL it's ok.....but not the best hope you can all draw cuz it's fun! Comment what you guys are doing In quarantine! I'd love suggestions!
Kk guys I hope y'all having a good time at home and I hope that I can help you not be bored remember to comment what you guys are doing in quarantine!!! And vote if you want to lol. don't die!