My family is my love

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Pennywise P.O.V
  We were in our room, and I was holding Melanie in my arms while Harley was asleep. The nurses came in and set down a birth certificate on what the baby's name should be. I wrote down the baby's name but, I don't know what to put down for her last name. I thought for a while and decided to put down "Melanie the dancing clown." When I gave the nurses the certificate, they looked at me confused but I didn't care. A few minutes passed and then Harley woke up and looked at me with a huge smile on her face. "Hey, how did you sleep." I asked as I gave her Melanie. "Good, you need to hunt." She told me. "Ok I'll ok hunt, do you want to eat so I could get extra?" I asked her. She nodded and told me to get extra for the baby. I nodded and left, and I went back to the sewers so I could get some food. I had to get fresh flesh because I didn't want to get the girls sick, so I did my regular tick them then scare the living hell out of them and bring the bodies back to the hospital. And I had to choose go out killing in the rain. I saw a little boy running for a paper boat and it fell down the sewers so I grabbed it and flashed my eyes yellow. "Hiya Georgie! What a nice boat, do you want it back? " I asked with glee in my voice. "Umm yes please." He asked terrified, I lived it my stomach started too growl even more because I was hungry to. "You look like a nice boy. I bet you have a lot of friends?" I asked trying to get him comfortable around me so I could scare the living hell out of him. "Three. But my brothers my best best." He told me. "Wheres he?" I asked. "In bed. Sick." He told me a little scared. "I bet I could cheer him up. What if I give him a balloon. Do you want a balloon too Georgie?" I asked with excitement in my voice. "I'm not supposed to take stuff from strangers." He said. He was right, he wasn't supposed to be cause he didn't know me but I decided to tell him who I was and now we weren't strangers. After some time of talking I decided too"give"him his boats back. "Here take IT." I told him scaring him. "Take IT Georgie." I told him while he reached for it but I pulled the boat closer to me. Once his arm was close enough to my mouth I sprouted out my teeth and bit his arm off. He tries to get away bit before he could get up I grabbed his ankle and dragged him in the sewers and bit his throat. After I killed him I killed two more children. I ate Georgie and I killed two more for Harley and Melanie. I got back to the hospital and saw Harley breastfeeding Melanie. I made the dead kids invisible so that the nurses can't see them. "Here.i killed two just in case." I told her. "Ok. She is so beautiful." She told me. "Yeah she is. I love you both and I always will no matter what." I told her as she was finishing up feeding Melanie. "I fell the same way. I'll never loose you two." She told me while kissing me deeply.

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