The fight pt.2

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That was my breaking point. I let go of Pennywise s grip on me and rushed towards Melanie and laid her head on my lap. As i looked over at Pennywise he wasn't there anymore, instead he was behind the losers. We met eye contact and I gave him a nod to tell him it was time. I turned my attention to the kids and they were looking at Melanie. I looked down and saw that she had razor sharp teeth.

Pennywise POV
As I tried to keep Harley in my grasp we turned attention to Bill, he had a gun to Mel's head and said that she wasn't Georgie and that it was a fake. As Bill shot Melanie, and Harley broke down in tears and got out of my arms and ran towards Melanie and laid her head in her lap. I got pissed and teleported behind the losers and me and Harley met eye contact, she nodded her head telling me that I could attack. As I was about to grab one of the boys head and twist it, Melanie charged toward bill and bit into his throat and took a chunk of meat out. Blood splattered over everyone and was hard to control myself. "BILL!!!" Beverly screamed seeing bill dyeing. "That's it" Richie said going over to the pile of junk grabbing a bat and coming back. As he was coming back with the bat Ben came up behind Harley and Richie came back about to hit her when Harley said "Ooh a eyeball!" She bent down to grab it as Richie swung that bat at her and hit Ben hard enough that he broke his jaw.

I walked over to Ben and but his whole head off devouring it. Harley stood straight up again and giggled as she walked toward me with Melanie.
Harleywise POV
As I walked over to penny with Melanie I kissed his cheek. He picked up Melanie and planted a kiss on top of her head. She threw her arms around his neck and said "Daddy!" I looked over at the losers and the color on their faces turned white. "YOU GUYS ARE A FUCKING FAMILY!!!" They all said walking toward us cautiously. "What never seen a murderous family before?" I asked sounding sarcastic. "So you kiddos want to go round two?" Penny asked. I could smell their fear saying that they didn't. "N-no." Eddie said as they all backed away. "Then scram. Or you'll float too" I said growling. They backed away really slowly and it got on my nerves. "If you kiddos aren't out here by three, I'm killing all of you." I said taking a step forward. "One....." I started "Two....." Then they all ran, Richie cursing on the way out. Once I turned around Melanie was dragging Bills body and  and started devowering his flesh. Penny came toward me and put his arm around my waist pecking me on the lips. We walked toward Melanie and started eating. After eating we all yawned. "Well.... 27 years." Penny said. "Mommy, what's daddy talking about?" Melanie asked crawling in my lap facing me. I stroked the side of her face. "What daddy means is that in a few minutes we all sleep for 27years and wake up again." I told her the best way I can to try not to confuse her. "Why 27years?" She asked. "I don't know sweetheart." Pennywise said as he picked her up. We went toward the well and started our 27year long rest. But we'll be back.


Hey guys I am extremely sorry for the long wait and I really appreciate the love and support that you amazing people have given me. And I am so happy on how this turned out, especially for my first book 😅. And please tell me if you guys want a part two to Pennywise's family. And happy holidays to the ones that I have missed. Again thank you guys so much, I love you all so much, I know that sound weird but I do. Bye guys. 🖤🖤🖤

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