Pennywise P.O.V
Me and Harley were thinking where we were going to have the wedding. And thinking if we were going to do a private one or just doing it here, in the sewers. It took a while but we decided that we were going a private wedding. It was just going to be us, the priest or whatever they are called, and that was it. Humans say that the groom should never see the brides dress, and I respected that because it is supposed to be a surprise. Anyways, Harley is now three weeks pregnant and it is slowly starting to show. She has been nervous to get a wedding dress because she says that she is to fat to find one that will fit her. But I keep telling her that it will be fine and that we will get married before the baby is born. But for some reason I've been having nightmares about Harley having the baby and not being able to survive but I knew it was all in my head. I keep trying to shake it off but I can't. She is the only person that I've loved and I can't loose her while having a child. If she dies than it is going to be my fault because I wasn't careful. But I can't worry about that during the wedding or when she is giving birth. "Hey, do we have everything for the wedding?" I asked her. "I think so." She said. I just hugged her tightly. "Penny what's wrong? Are ok? You haven't been yourself lately." She asked me. "Yeah I'm fine." I told her with a reassuring tone. "Are you sure?" She asked. I just nodded and kissed the top of her head.Sorry guys. I haven't been updating lately because of school and a lot of other stuff. But I'm going to be on spring break next week, so I'm going to be updating more so you guys wont have to be waiting for the next chapter for a long time. And sorry it is short.

Pennywise X Harleywise
TerrorThe same day that Pennywise came to earth he thought he came alone but little did he know that his childhood friend came secretly with him. Find out what happens to them. This story is really cringe and I don't really like it, but that's not for me...