When Beverly passed out I swung her over my shoulder and walked back to the sewers. When I got back I saw Melanie shape shifting into people's fears. "How are my little freaks doing?" I asked them dropping Bev's body on the floor. "Mommy!" Melanie said running towards me with her arms open. I picked her up kissing her face as Pennywise walked towards us giving me a kiss on the cheek. "Ok, so we have Beverly, now we wait until the rest of the losers come." He told me taking Melanie form me so she could take a nap before we all fight them.
(time skip because I'm a lazy author)
Beverly's POV
I woke up with a headache and wondered where I was. Then it hit me. I was in the sewers! It brought me here! That freak, that piece of shit! But then memories came flooding back. "It was female. Isn't It a guy? Wait. What if there are two of them. Oh god, guys please come and get me so I could tell you." I said trying to hold back tears. I calmed myself down and tried not to get to mad. I tried standing up but my body was in to much pain, and stumbled and scraped my knee. I found a door that lead somewhere else but i did that know where. I tried to pull the door open until I heard a music and It's voice behind me. I flinched a little hesitant to look back but I did anyways.Pennywise POV
All of us were looking at Beverly's attempts trying to escape. We all chuckled and I spoke into a speaker as Melanie played the music box. "Step right up Beverly! Step right up! Come see "Pennywise, Harleywise, and Melanie the dancing clowns!" You stay, you laugh! You leave you die!" Me and Harley said into the speaker as our voices faded. I pulled the lever that made the stage open. I quickly told Harley and Melanie to stand behind me and get into position so that, we could give Beverly a little performance.

Pennywise X Harleywise
HorrorThe same day that Pennywise came to earth he thought he came alone but little did he know that his childhood friend came secretly with him. Find out what happens to them. This story is really cringe and I don't really like it, but that's not for me...