The fight pt1

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Stanley's POV
As we were waiting for Mike to come down the well, I heard someone calling my name. I thought that I would go and check it out and that's what I did. As I walking I entered a big room. As I was checking out the place I heard someone or something scattering around. As I turned around and pointed my flashlight at the thing, that's when the lady from the painting attacked me.

Pennywise POV
A few minutes passed and told Harley that I would go pick on Stanley so that the losers could come faster. And let's just say, I'm not one of those guys who like to wait. I'm an impatient guy. And she agrees to let me go. So I started to walk in his direction and scared him. I bit his face, sinking my teeth on the sides of his head. But I didn't bite down hard enough to break his skull, because we wanted to kill all of them at the same time. As I heard foot steps, I soften my bite on him when I sensed them coming closer. When they spotted me as the painted lady bitting Stans face they stood there frozen. As I was finished hitting his face I climbed back into a sewer drain. But before leaving I turn into clown form to give the a little jump scare. But before leaving I saw Harlywise or Melanie either disguised as Georgie. Stan started panicking and telling the losers that they left him to die, but he was the one who followed me. And as he bickering bill followed "Georgie" and they showed up too our hide out. By the way I was fallowing them the entire time. I sensed Harley here, so that means Melanie is the one disguised as Georgie. I saw Harley poke her head out from behind the pile of children's toys. Me and her chuckled a little at Bill's reaction to the pile of kids, and seeing Beverly float. I heard the rest of the losers coming and I think Harleywise went to go see where they were, because she wasn't behind the pile anymore.

Harleywise POV
As Melanie, Bill, and Pennywise came to our layer I poked my head out to see what was happening. I chuckled at bills reaction seeing Beverly's body floating. Then I heard the rest of the losers coming. I went to go and see where they were. When I got there Eddie was on the ground covered in grey water. Richie told Eddie to get up but he was looking for his flashlight. When he was looking for it, he screamed when he saw a rotting head. I decided to play with them a little, and show them that Pennywise isn't the only killer clown here. "Hello boys!" I said with a smirk appearing across my lips. "WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT!!!" Richie screamed so loud that could break anyone's eardrums. "W-who are you?" Stanley asked, I could smell all of their fear but I contained myself. "Oh, Pennywise never told you about me? So sad." I said pretending to be hurt. "Who's Pennywise?" Ben asked. But instead of answering him I just teleported back. When I got there I saw bill trying to get Beverly's body down. But he got distracted by Melanie making noise. I jumped a little by Pennywise hugging me from behind.

Pennywise POV
As I saw Harley come back I hugged her from behind. I giggled a little at her reaction. I then nuzzled the crook of her neck to make her more comfortable. I then felt her tremble. "What's wrong?" I asked as she started crying. "I-im just worried about Melanie. What if she gets hurt, what if s-she can't change in time, w-what if..." She started crying harder. I rubbed her back in an attempt to try to comfort her. "It's ok. I've been helping her train and she's going to be alright. Plus if one of those bitches try hurting her we're both here to protect her." I said trying to comfort her the best I could. She was still crying but nodded. "Plus we know we're not alone, we have each other, and that's all that matters." I told her as the rest of the losers were close. We both noticed that bill walked away from Beverly to go see "Georgie" standing behind some water falling out of a drain.

Bill POV
As I entered a huge auditorium I saw Beverly's floating in the air. As I saw her I knew I had to try to find a way to get her down. I tried jumping up to get her but that didn't work. With me trying to get beverly down I saw Georgie. "I'll be back for you bev." I said to her floating body. I went to the direction Georgie went to see him behind some water. I heard the rest of the boys coming.

Losers POV
With our little encounter with another fucking clown we all knew that we weren't ready to live for our battle. Plus we on our way to find Bill because he ran off to god knows where. As we entered a big auditorium we found beverly floating in mid air. "Bev?" Eddie and Ben said. "How is she in the air?" Richie asked us. To be honest none of us knew why she was floating. As we thought of an idea of how to get her down Ben started to pull her down. "Bev! Beverly! Why isn't she waking up! What is wrong with her!" Ben shouted at us like we were supposed to know why she isn't waking up. "Beverly please! Come on, wake up." Ben said as he held her.His hands rested on her shoulders and lifted her head up, and kissed her. Ew. "Whoa. The fuck man." Richie said slightly disgusted. We all rolled out eyes as Beverly woke up. She gasped for air. "January Amber's." She said to Ben. "My heart burns there to" Ben said smiling at her. "Holy fuck." Said a relieved Richie, as we all hugged. Beverly pulled away from the hug and asked where bill was. We found Bill and we saw him talking to....... Georgie.

Harleywise POV

As pennywise comforted me the best he could, we saw the rest of the loser club find bill. We pulled apart and made sure everything was going as planned, which to my surprise it was. As Melanie walked out behind the water she spoke up sounding like Georgie. "What took you so long?" Melanie said sounding depressed and scared. "I was looking for you this whole time Georgie." Bill said shocked and sad when he saw his 'brother' in front of him. They talked a little more until Melanie told him that she loved him."I love you too." Bill said trying his best to not cry. But then he did something that made me and Pennywise tense up. He pulled out a gun like thingy and pointed it to Melanie's head. I heard Pennywise growl and I told him calm down. "But your not Georgie." Bill said that made me want to just tear his guts out. We both saw Melanie terrified and I don't blame her, she's never been this close or has ever interacted with humans. Then Bill shot Melanie. "No!" I said crying, I was about to go out and hold Melanie but Pennywise covered my mouth and pulled me by my waist.

(Just imagine that she's crying because she saw Melanie get shot instead of something else. )

But then Melanie's body started to twitch. I looked behind me and Pennywise wasn't their I looked behind the losers and saw him behind them. Then I saw Melanie's body shaking and going back to her body shape and I smelled fear. She sat up and stood up to her feet. "WHAT THE FUCK!! THERE'S THREE!!" Richie screamed that could break anybody's ears. Pennywise did his infamous smile that made shivers run down my spine. Yes you must be thinking 'you've known him most of your life. You should be used to it right.' Well that is true but he still gives me the creeps. Anyways, the rest of the losers kept there eyes on Melanie as they kept telling bill to kill it. I saw penny getting impatient but he knew he had to wait. Bill was about to shoot Melanie again but Mike kept telling him that the gun wasn't loaded. But bill didn't listen and he shot Melanie again.

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